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Water Resource Management; Preface; Acknowledgments; Contents; List of Figures; List of Tables; List of Boxes; 1 The State of America's Water Resource; Freshwater in a Salt Water World; Water Statistics; River Basins and Watersheds; The Pacific Northeast and the Columbia River Basin; The 1964 Columbia River Treaty; California and the Central Valley River Basins; The California Drought; California's Water Supply; Imported Colorado River Surface Water; California Groundwater; Future Availability Estimates; The Southwest and the Colorado River Basin; The Upper Colorado River Basin

The Lower Colorado River BasinState of the Great Plans Watersheds; Mississippi River; Missouri River; Two smaller River Basins; The Saskatchewan River; Ogallala Groundwater and Surfacewater; The Resource in the Midwest and Great Lakes Regions; The Midwest Region; The Resource in the Great Lakes Region; The Ohio River Basin; Groundwater in the Great Lakes Region; Effects of Groundwater Withdrawals; State of the Resource in the Eastern United States; The State of the Resource in the Northeast; Precipitation in the Northeast; State of the Resource in the Southeast

Groundwater Damage from Saltwater IntrusionDecreasing Water Availability; Summary; Additional Reading; 2 Internal Pressures on the Resource; Public and Domestic Supply Water Use; Domestic (Privately Supplied) Water Use; Non-domestic Users of Water; Thermoelectric Power Generation Water Use; Agricultural Water Use; Sources of Agricultural Water; Water Used for Aquaculture; Industrial Users of Water; Water Used in Mining; Summary; Additional Reading; 3 External Pressures on the Resource: Climate Change; The Impact of Climate Change on the Resource; Impact of Climate Change

Changing Precipitation PatternsEffects of Drought; Effects of Extreme Weather Events; Dangers of Rising Sea Levels; Effects of Seal Level Rise to US Coast Areas; Groundwater Damage from Saltwater Intrusion; Pressures on Water Resource Availability; Regional Differences; Population and Water in the Northeast; Effects of Warmer Temperatures; Climate Change and Water in the Southeast; Climate Change and Water in the Midwest; Changing Precipitation Patterns; Climate Change and Water in the Great Plains; Water and Climate Change in the Southwest; Climate Change and Water in the Northwest

Applying Adaptation Water ManagementSummary; Additional Reading; 4 External Pressures on the Resource: Growth and Urbanization; Population Growth; Three Primary Problems; The Impacts of Urbanization; Quickening Pace; Effects on the Water Resource; How Urbanization Affects the Water Cycle; Extreme Weather Events in Urban areas; Adapting to the Changing Operational Environment; Summary; Additional Reading; 5 Beginnings of Water Management in the U.S; The Need for Water Management; Early Water Management Activities; The First Rivers and Harbors Act; Early Department of Agriculture Water Involvement

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