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Acknowledgements; Contents; Chapter 1 Introduction; Redefining Politics: From a de-Politicized Public Sphere to an Aesthetic Public Sphere; The Habermasian Public Sphere: A Normative Notion of Politics; Redefining Politics: A Cultural Perspective; Aesthetic Public Sphere: Connecting the Cultural Citizens to the Public Sphere; Multiple Modernities and Transcending Theoretical Divides; China's Entertainment Television in the Twenty-First Century; The Politics of Voting for the Next Super Girl; Entertainment Production and the Future of China's Cultural Industry

Stories of New Generations and Social Justice"Authoritarianism With Chinese Characteristics"; Chapter Overview; References; Chapter 2 An Internet with Chinese Characteristics; (Dis)Connection to a Globalizing World; Convergence of Entertainment and Public Sphere in New Media Contexts; Empirical Framework of the Book; Super Girl; If You Are the One; Dwelling Narrowness and Naked Wedding; Analytic Framework; References; Chapter 3 Voting for the Next Super Girl and Political Talk; Super Girl, A Political Affair; Ever Changing and More Complicated Selection Mechanism; Voting and Representation

Voting and FairnessVoting and Political Culture; Conclusion; References; Chapter 4 Stories of New Generations and Social Justice; Newly Coined Terms and China's Developmental Tensions; Moral Ambiguities in a New China; Manipulation of a Talent Show, Mistrust Toward Cultural Institutions; Manipulation Beyond the Camera, the Invisible Hand; Conclusion; References; Chapter 5 Entertainment Production and the Future of China's Cultural Industry; Reality Television and Cultural Concerns in China's Twenty-First Century; If You are the One, A Large-scale Public Service Program

Producing a National Star, Where China Stands on the Global StageSocial Bonding via Cultural Commentaries; Conclusion; References; Chapter 6 Conclusion: Convergence of Entertainment and Politics in Contemporary China; Deference of political conversations to entertainment; Entertaining Politics and Political Entertainment; References; Index

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