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Prologue; Reference; Contents; List of Figures ; List of Tables ; Chapter 1: Introduction; Chapter 2: The 'Greek Crisis' and the Austerity Controversy in Europe; Introduction: The Global Crisis as a Point of Departure for Consolidating Austerity Policies in Europe-the Greek Case; European Austerity Policies and Global Imbalances; Heterodox Critical Approaches to Neoliberalism and Austerity; The Causal Interdependence Between Economic Crisis and Austerity; Austerity as a Cost-Saving Capitalist Strategy; Austerity and Financialization; Austerity and the Euro-Area; Conclusion; References

Chapter 3: Troika's Economic Adjustment Programmes for Greece: Why Do They Systematically Fail?Introduction; The Greek EAPs' Chronicle; Origins and Peculiarities of the Greek EAPs; Systemic Contradictions and Dead Ends; Note; References; Chapter 4: The ECB's Non-standard Monetary Policy Measures and the Greek Financial Crisis; Introduction; The Historical Embeddedness of Central Banking; Pre- and Post-crisis ECB Monetary Policy; ECB Institutional Features; ECB Monetary Policy Prior to the Crisis; ECB Non-standard Monetary Policy; The Greek Financial Crisis and the ECB

Financial Bailouts and AusterityECB Involvement in the Greek Financial Crisis; Summary and Conclusions; References; Chapter 5: Social Dialogue in Post-crisis Greece: A Sisyphus Syndrome for Greek Social Partners' Expectations; Introduction; Labour Market Policy Within the Framework of Memoranda; The Dynamics of Social Dialogue Before Memoranda; Developments in Social Dialogue After the Implementation of Memoranda; Social Dialogue at the Macroeconomic Level; The New Background of Collective Bargaining: Some Data; Memoranda and Their Impact on Greek Industrial Relations: An Assessment

ConclusionsReferences; Chapter 6: Unregistered Economic Activities During the Greek Multidimensional Crisis; The Transfer of Activities from the Shadow to the Official Economy After the Economic Crisis in the EU; The Multidimensionality of the Greek Crisis and the Greek Shadow Economy; Greek Tax Morale and Participation in Unregistered Economic Activities Amid the Crisis; Discussion and Conclusions; Notes; References; Chapter 7: The Impact of the Financial Crisis on Greece's Defense Diplomacy; The Concept of Military/Defense Diplomacy; The Greek Military/Defense Diplomacy

Greek Defense Budget Reductions: Implications to Defense DiplomacyThe Role of the Hellenic Military in Managing the Migration Crisis; Conclusion; References; Chapter 8: Hierarchies, Civilization, and the Eurozone Crisis: The Greek Financial Crisis; Introduction; The Standard of Civilization in International Society: A Relic of the Nineteenth Century or a Contemporary Practice in Global Politics?; The New SoC and the EU; The Enduring Relevance of the SoC and the Greek Financial Crisis; Concluding Remarks; References; Chapter 9: Greece in the Aftermath of the Economic Crisis Needs to Change Its Strategy in the International System: Choosing Between Melians and David.

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