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Preface; Acknowledgments; Contents; 1: Introduction; 1.1 Tinnitus and Tinnitus-Related Distress; References; 2: Stress and Glucocorticoid Action in the Brain and Ear: Implications for Tinnitus; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 The Concept Stress, Allostasis, and the Allostatic Load; 2.3 Mediators of the Stress Response; 2.4 Pulsatility of the HPA Axis; 2.5 Access of Corticosteroids to Brain Targets; 2.6 Corticosteroid Receptors; 2.7 Behavioral and Neuroendocrine Feedback Action of Corticosteroids in the Brain; 2.8 Role of MR and GR in Coping with Stress; 2.9 MR:GR Balance: Genetics

2.10 MR/GR Balance: Phenotype2.11 Implications for Tinnitus; 2.12 Corticosteroids-Based Treatment Options; References; 3: Stress-Related Psychological Disorders and Tinnitus; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Psychological Disorders; 3.3 Affective Disorders; 3.4 Anxiety Disorders; 3.5 Type D Personality and Tinnitus; 3.6 Population Studies Reporting Association Between Tinnitus and Stress; 3.7 Does Tinnitus Cause Stress or Does Stress Cause Tinnitus?; 3.8 Proposing Treatments: Enrolment Issues; 3.9 Treatment of Comorbid Psychological Disorders in Patients with Tinnitus; References

4: Circadian Influences on the Auditory System4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Circadian Rhythms; 4.2.1 What Are They; 4.2.2 Organization of the Circadian System; 4.3 Molecular Biology of Circadian Rhythms; 4.3.1 Core Clock Genes; 4.3.2 From Molecules to Physiology; The SCN and the Adrenal Glands: Teamwork for Body Synchrony?; Physiological Functions Controlled by Circadian Rhythms and Their Dysregulation; 4.3.3 Auditory System and Circadian Rhythms; The Day-Night Susceptibility to Auditory Trauma Involvement of Neurotrophic Signaling in the Differential Sensitivity to Noise Trauma Throughout the Day4.3.3.3 Molecular Biology of Cochlear Circadian Rhythm; Circadian Rhythms in the Inferior Colliculus; Central Influence of Cochlear and IC Rhythms: Predictive Models; 4.3.4 Auditory Pathologies and Disrupted Circadian Rhythms; Psychological Consequences of Disrupted Circadian Rhythms and the Potential Role in Tinnitus; 4.4 Clinical Implications of Circadian Influences for Tinnitus Therapy; References; 5: Animal Models of Stress and Tinnitus; 5.1 Stress

5.2 Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis and the Auditory System5.3 Recognizing Stress in Animals; 5.4 Causing Stress in Animals; 5.4.1 Restraint Stress; 5.4.2 Electric Foot Shock-Induced Stress; 5.4.3 Noise-Induced Stress; 5.5 Stress and the Cochlea; 5.5.1 The HPA Axis Signaling System; 5.5.2 The Local Cochlear CRF-Signaling System; 5.6 Stress and the Central Nervous System; 5.7 Stress and Tinnitus; 5.7.1 Stress Causing Tinnitus; 5.7.2 Tinnitus Causing Stress; 5.8 Recognizing Tinnitus in Animals?; 5.8.1 Using Classical Conditioning; 5.8.2 Using the Gap-Startle Response

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