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Preface; Contents; Contributors; What Are Values and How Should They Be Measured?; 1 What Personal Values Are and What They Are Not: Taking a Cross-Cultural Perspective; Deconstructing the Definition of Values; Values Are Inherently Desirable; Values Are Guiding Principles; Value Importance Is Stable Over Time and Across Situations; Values Are Structured According to Their Compatibilities and Conflicts: The Content and Structure of Values; Taking a Cross-Cultural Perspective: Values Are Near-Universals; Overview of the Book; Acknowledgments; References

2 Methodological Issues in Studying Personal ValuesPart I: From Theory to Measurement and Back; Values Are Abstract; Values Are Inherently Desirable; The Importance of Values Is Relatively Stable; Values Vary in Their Importance; Values Are Structured According to Their Compatibilities and Conflicts; Part II: Developing Short Measures of Values; Part III: Measuring, Priming, and Changing Values; Explicit Priming of Values; Implicit Priming of Values; Value Change; Summary; Acknowledgements; Appendix: Value Measures; References; 3 The Refined Theory of Basic Values

Developing the Refined TheoryThe 19 Values in the Refined Theory; Measuring the 19 Refined Values: The PVQ-RR; Distinctiveness of the 19 Refined Values; Circular Order of the 19 Values; Relations of Values to Demographic Variables and Attitudes; Relations of Values to Behavior; Mechanisms Linking Values to Behavior; Associations of Refined Values with Behavior; Conclusion; Acknowledgements; References; Values and Behavior in Contexts; 4 Many Kinds of Kindness: The Relationship Between Values and Prosocial Behaviour; Everyday Kindness; Political Activism; Pro-environmental Behaviour

Participation in Organised Groups that Work in the Interest of OthersAntisocial Behaviour; Concluding Remarks; References; 5 The Relations Between Values and Aggression: A Developmental Perspective; Values During Adolescence; Relations Between Values and Behavior During Adolescence; Relations Between Values and Aggression During Adolescence; Mechanism of the Relations Between Values and Aggression and Longitudinal Perspective; Possible Moderators and Mediators of Relations Between Values and Aggression; Culture and Social Context; Gender; Parental Socialization; Private Self-consciousness

AttitudesImplications and Future Directions; Acknowledgements; References; 6 Values and Behavior in a Work Environment: Taking a Multi-level Perspective; Individual-Level Values: Forming Value-Expressive Behaviors in Organizations; Openness to Change Versus Conservation Values; Professional Choice; Behavior in Organizations; Self-transcendence Versus Self-enhancement; Professional Choice; Behavior in Organizations; Summary; Values of Managers; Culture: The Role of the Broader Societal Context; Summary and Conclusions; Acknowledgements; References

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