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Preface; Contents; About the Author; 1 Molluscs and Their Shells; Abstract; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Phylum Mollusca; 1.3 Various Marine Habitats of Molluscs; 1.4 Molluscan Shell; 1.5 Classification of Molluscs Based on Shells; 1.5.1 Class Monoplacophora; 1.5.2 Class Polyplacophora; 1.5.3 Class Aplacophora; 1.5.4 Class Scaphopoda; 1.5.5 Class Cephalopoda; 1.5.6 Class Gastropoda; 1.5.7 Class Bivalvia; 1.6 Extinct Classes of Molluscs; 1.7 Shells of Class Gastropoda; 1.7.1 Structure and Description of a Gastropod Shell; 1.7.2 Classification of Gastropoda; 1.7.3 Shells of Class Bivalvia

1.7.4 Structure and Description of a Bivalve Shell1.7.5 Classification of Bivalvia; 1.7.6 Further Subdivision of Veneridae; 1.8 Concluding Remarks; References; 2 Shell Habitats of Goa; Abstract; 2.1 Introduction to Goa; 2.2 Ecology of Goa; 2.3 Coastline of Goa; 2.3.1 Beaches of Goa; 2.4 History of Shells of Goa; References; 3 Cataloguing of Shells; Abstract; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Classification of Shells; References; 4 Shell Art and Shell Craft of Goa; Abstract; 4.1 Masterpieces of the World; 4.1.1 Shells as Signifiers; 4.1.2 Margate Shell Grotto; 4.2 Shells in Indian Sculpture

4.3 Shell Art and Shell Craft of Goa4.3.1 Shell Windows of Goa; 4.3.2 Kaavi Art of Goa; 4.3.3 Shells in the Sand Art of Goa; 4.3.4 Shell Paintings of Goa; 4.3.5 Shell Art at Museum of Goa; 4.3.6 Shell Craft of Goa; 4.3.7 Shell festival of Goa or Tisreache fest; 4.4 Uses of Shells by Humans Since Antiquities; 4.5 Fossil Shells of Marine Molluscs Found in Himalayas; 4.6 Conservation of Molluscs; References; 5 Some Interesting Known and Unknown Facts About Shells; Abstract; 5.1 Importance of Molluscan Shells; 5.1.1 To Living Organisms; 5.1.2 Coastal Processes; 5.1.3 Climatic Conditions

5.1.4 Providing Links to Evolution5.1.5 Biostratigraphy; 5.1.6 Anthropological Studies; 5.1.7 Human Use; 5.1.8 Rituals and Ceremonies; 5.1.9 History and Mythology; 5.1.10 Religion; 5.1.11 Ethnography Such as Place Names, Person Names and Deities; 5.1.12 Human Culture; 5.1.13 Paintings, Murals and Other Forms of Art; 5.1.14 Early Warning System; 5.1.15 Assassination Attempts; 5.2 Significance of Shell Symbols; 5.3 Literary Work on Shells; 5.3.1 Charles Lyell (1797-1875); 5.3.2 Edward Forbes (1815-1854); 5.3.3 James Hornell (1865-1949); 5.3.4 Anne Morrow Lindbergh (1906-2001)

5.3.5 William McGuire Bryson (Born 1951)5.3.6 Janine Benyus (Born 1958); 5.4 Shell-Related Idioms and Proverbs; 5.5 Concluding Remarks; References; Appendix: Some quotes related to shells; Glossary; Index

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