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Foreword; Acknowledgements; Contents; Editor and Contributors; Abbreviations; List of Figures; Chapter 1 Introduction: Writing Joshua Nkomo into History and Narration of the Nation ; Introduction; TheoreticalConceptual Interventions; Historiographical Interventions; The Political Making of Nkomo; Nkomo as 'Father of Dissidents'; Nkomo's Autobiography; Nkomo and the Unification of the Nation (1987-1999); Nkomo as 'Father Zimbabwe'; Organisation of the Book; Conclusion; References; Part I Imperialism, Nationalism, Liberation and Leadership

Chapter 2 The Contributions of Joshua Nkomo to the Liberation of Zimbabwe Introduction; Early Trade Unionism and Leading the Southern Rhodesia African National Congress (SRANC): 1948-1959; Return from Exile and Leading the National Democratic Party (NDP) 1960-1961; Nkomo's Political Career with the Zimbabwe African People's Union (ZAPU), 1961-1980; Conclusion; References; Chapter 3 Joshua Nkomo and the Internationalization of Zimbabwe's Struggle for Liberation ; Introduction; Nkomo's Role in the Shadows; Airbrushing and Patriotic History; Internationalization of the Struggle for Zimbabwe

ConclusionsReferences; Chapter 4 Joshua Nkomo and the Quest for Unity and Peace in Zimbabwe ; Introduction; Conclusion; References; Chapter 5 The Entrapment of Joshua Nkomo Within Global Imperial Snares ; Introduction; The Political Formation of Joshua Nkomo; Nkomo's 'Labyrinthine Entrapment'; Nkomo a 'Victim' of Imperialism of Decolonisation; Imperial Endorsement Against Nkomo's ZAPU; Nkomo's Supporters as Collateral Damage; 'Doubles' of Unity Accord; Conclusion; References; Chapter 6 Lancaster House Talks: Timing,Cold War and Joshua Nkomo ; Introduction

Cold War Context and Rhodesian Constitutional ImpasseEvents Leading to the Holding of Talks at Lancaster House in 1979; Supply of Heavy Weapons; Creation of a Regular Army; ©Training Mig 17 Pilots and Technicians; Conclusion; References; Part II Legacy, Diplomacy, Political Philosophy and Fatherhood; Chapter 7 Joshua Nkomo: Nationalist Diplomat, 'Father of the Nation' or 'Enemy of the State' ; Introduction; Post-Independence; Conclusion; References; Chapter 8 Joshua Nkomo: The Trial of a Philosopher of Liberation ; Introduction; Political and Intellectual Formation of Nkomo

Nkomo's Philosophy of LiberationPhilosophy of Liberation and the Theo-Politics of Nkomo; Nkomo's Politics of Liberation; Conclusion; References; Chapter 9 Unearthing the Legacy of 'Father Zimbabwe': A Decolonial Imaginary ; Introduction; The Will to Power and the Reproduction of African Subjectivity; Nkomo's Pursuit of the Will to Live; Nkomo as a Humanist; Conclusion; References; Chapter 10 Making Sense of Joshua Nkomo's Political Behaviour: A Sociogenic Approach ; Introduction; Contradictory Representations of Nkomo; Nkomo and His Political Behaviour: Towards a Theory of a Political Mind

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