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Preface to the Second Edition; Preface to the First Edition; Contents; 1 Introduction; 1.1 From the Hall Effect to the Quantum Spin Hall Effect; 1.2 Topological Insulators as a Generalization of the Quantum Spin Hall Systems; 1.3 Beyond Band Insulators: Disorder and Interaction; 1.4 Topological Phases in Superconductors and Superfluids; 1.5 Topological Dirac and Weyl Semimetals; 1.6 Dirac Equation and Topological Insulators; 1.7 Topological Insulators and Landau Theory of Phase Transition; 1.8 Summary; 1.9 Further Reading; References; 2 Starting from the Dirac Equation; 2.1 Dirac Equation

2.2 Solutions of Bound States2.2.1 Jackiw-Rebbi Solution in One Dimension; 2.2.2 Two Dimensions; 2.2.3 Three and Higher Dimensions; 2.3 Why not the Dirac Equation?; 2.4 Quadratic Correction to the Dirac Equation; 2.5 Bound State Solutions of the Modified Dirac Equation; 2.5.1 One Dimension: End States; 2.5.2 Two Dimensions: Helical Edge States; 2.5.3 Three Dimensions: Surface States; 2.5.4 Generalization to Higher-Dimensional Topological Insulators; 2.6 Summary; 2.7 Further Reading; References; 3 Minimal Lattice Model for Topological Insulators; 3.1 Tight Binding Approximation

3.2 Mapping from a Continuous Model to a Lattice Model3.3 One-Dimensional Lattice Model; 3.4 Two-Dimensional Lattice Model; 3.4.1 Integer Quantum Hall Effect; 3.4.2 Quantum Spin Hall Effect; 3.5 Three-Dimensional Lattice Model; 3.6 Parity at the Time Reversal Invariant Momenta; 3.6.1 One-Dimensional Lattice Model; 3.6.2 Two-Dimensional Lattice Model; 3.6.3 Three-Dimensional Lattice Model; 3.7 Summary; References; 4 Topological Invariants; 4.1 Bloch's Theorem and Band Theory; 4.2 Berry Phase; 4.3 Quantum Hall Conductance and the Chern Number

4.4 Electric Polarization in a Cyclic Adiabatic Evolution4.5 Thouless Charge Pump; 4.6 Fu
Kane Spin Pump; 4.7 Integer Quantum Hall Effect: The Laughlin Argument; 4.8 Time Reversal Symmetry and the Z2 Index; 4.9 Generalization to Two and Three Dimensions; 4.10 Phase Diagram of the Modified Dirac Equation; 4.11 Further Reading; References; 5 Topological Phases in One Dimension; 5.1 Su
Heeger Model for Polyacetylene; 5.2 Topological Ferromagnet; 5.3 p-Wave Pairing Superconductor; 5.4 Ising Model in a Transverse Field; 5.5 One-Dimensional Maxwell's Equations in Media; 5.6 Summary

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