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Preface to the Fourth Edition; Preface to the Third Edition; Preface to the Second Edition; Preface to the First Edition; Acknowledgements; Contents; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Introduction to Requirements; 1.2 Introduction to Systems Engineering; 1.3 Defining Requirements Engineering; 1.3.1 Definition of a Requirement; 1.3.2 Definition of a Stakeholder; 1.3.3 Definition of Requirements Engineering; 1.4 Requirements and Quality; 1.5 Requirements and the Lifecycle; 1.6 Requirements Tracing; 1.7 Requirements and Modelling; 1.8 Requirements and Testing

1.9 Requirements in the Problem and Solution Domains1.10 Requirements and Design Agnosticism; 1.11 Requirements and Interfaces; 1.12 How to Read this Book; 2 A Generic Process for Requirements Engineering; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Developing Systems; 2.3 Generic Process Context; 2.3.1 Input Requirements and Derived Requirements; 2.3.2 Acceptance Criteria and Qualification Strategy; 2.4 Generic Process Introduction; 2.4.1 Ideal Development; 2.4.2 Development in the Context of Change; 2.5 Generic Process Information Model; 2.5.1 Information Classes; 2.5.2 Agreement State; 2.5.3 Qualification State

2.5.4 Satisfaction State2.5.5 Information Model Constraints; 2.6 Generic Process Details; 2.6.1 Agree Requirements; 2.6.2 Analyse and Model; 2.6.3 Derive Requirements and Qualification Strategy; Deriving Requirements; Deriving the Qualification Strategy; 2.7 Summary; 3 System Modelling for Requirements Engineering; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Representations for Requirements Engineering; 3.2.1 Data Flow Diagrams; 3.2.2 Entity-Relationship Diagrams; 3.2.3 Statecharts; 3.2.4 Object-Oriented Approaches; Class Diagrams; Use Cases; 3.3 Methods; 3.3.1 Viewpoint Methods Controlled Requirements Expression (CORE) Structured Analysis and Design Technique (SADT); Viewpoint-Oriented Requirements Definition (VORD); 3.3.2 Object-Oriented Methods; OOA; OMT; Booch; Objectory; The UML; 3.3.3 The UML Notation; 3.3.4 SysML; 3.3.5 Formal Methods; Z-A Model-Based Formal Method; 3.4 Model-Based Systems Engineering; 3.5 Modelling and Qualification; 3.6 Summary; 4 Writing and Reviewing Requirements; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Requirements for Requirements; 4.3 Structuring Requirements Documents

4.4 Key Requirements4.5 Using Attributes; 4.5.1 Definition of a Requirement Expression; 4.6 Ensuring Consistency Across Requirements; 4.7 Value of a Requirement; 4.8 The Language of Requirements; 4.9 Requirement Boilerplates; 4.10 Granularity of Requirements; 4.11 Requirements and Modelling; 4.12 Criteria for Writing Requirements Statements; 4.13 Guide to Writing Requirements; 4.14 Summary; 5 Requirements Engineering in the Problem Domain; 5.1 What is the Problem Domain?; 5.2 Instantiating the Generic Process; 5.3 Agree Requirements with Customer; 5.4 Analyse & Model

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