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Acknowledgements; Contents; Chapter 1: Introduction; 1.1 Children's Well-Being; 1.2 The Children's Worlds Project; 1.3 Outline of this Book; References; Chapter 2: Details of the Study; 2.1 The Questionnaires; 2.2 The Countries Involved in the Survey; 2.3 Sampling Strategies Within Countries; 2.4 Ethics; 2.5 Survey Administration; 2.6 Data Preparation; 2.7 The Final Data Set; 2.8 Statistical Analysis; References; Chapter 3: Asking Children About Their Lives and Well-Being; 3.1 Concepts and Measures of Self-Reported Well-Being; 3.2 Aspects of Children's Lives

3.3 Other Topics Covered in the Questionnaire3.4 Comparing Children's Subjective Well-Being Between Countries; References; Chapter 4: The Context of Children's Lives; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Type of Home and People Lived With; 4.3 Country of Birth; 4.4 Things Children Have and Have Access To; 4.5 Material Deprivation for Children in Different Circumstances; 4.6 Discussion; References; Chapter 5: Children's Activities; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Housework and Caring; 5.3 Learning; 5.4 Social Activities with Family and Friends; 5.5 Leisure; 5.6 Age and Gender Variations in Participation in Activities

5.7 Children's Satisfaction with Time Use5.8 Discussion; References; Chapter 6: Overall Well-Being; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 Measures of Overall Well-Being Used in the Study; 6.3 Variations Between Countries; 6.4 Variations Within Countries; 6.5 Discussion; References; Chapter 7: Family; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 Children's Views About Family Life; 7.3 Variations by Age and Gender; 7.4 Family Structure, Family Relationships and Well-Being; References; Chapter 8: Children's Home and Material Circumstances; 8.1 Introduction; 8.2 Home; 8.3 Possessions; 8.4 Worrying About Family Money; 8.5 Discussion

Chapter 12: Health, Body Image, Safety and Freedom12.1 Introduction; 12.2 Health; 12.3 Body Image; 12.4 Freedom; 12.5 Safety; 12.6 Discussion; References; Chapter 13: Variations in Children's Well-Being Between Countries; 13.1 Mean Satisfaction Scores; 13.2 Relative Scores; 13.3 Inequalities in Satisfaction; 13.4 Absolute Means, Relative Means or Inequalities?; 13.5 Explaining Variations Between Countries; 13.6 Discussion; References; Chapter 14: Variations in Children's Well-Being Within Countries; 14.1 Introduction; 14.2 Variations by Age and Gender

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