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"Fetishism (supposing that it existed)": a preface to the translation of Charles de Brosses's Transgression / Rosalind C. Morris
Introduction: fetishism, figurism, and myths of enlightenment / Daniel H. Leonard
A note on the translation / Daniel H. Leonard
On the worship of fetish gods; or, a parallel of the ancient religion of Egypt with the present religion of Nigritia / Charles de Brosses ; translated by Daniel H. Leonard
After De Brosses: fetishism, translation, comparativism, critique / Rosalind C. Morris
A fetiche is a fetiche: no knowledge without difference of the word: rereading De Brosses
Excursus: recontextualizing De Brosses, with Pietz in and out of Africa
Re Kant and the good fetishists among us
Hegel: back to the heart of darkness
Fetishism against itself; or, Marx's two fetishisms
The great fetish; or, the fetishism of the one
Freud and the return to the dark continent: the other fetish
Conjuncture: Freud and Marx, via Lacan
Anthropology's fetishism: the custodianship of reality
Fetishism reanimated: surrealism, ethnography, and the war against decay
Deconstruction's fetish: undecidable, or the mark of Hegel
Rehistoricizing generalized fetishism: the era of objects
Anthropological redux: the reality of fetishism
The fetish is dead, long live fetishism.

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