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Part One: Early visions of independence
Samuel Crowther
Letter to the secretaries of the Church Missionary Society, 1841
James Africanus Horton
Advice to the rising generation in West Africa, 1868
The Fante Confederation Constitution, 1871
Edward Blyden
The origin and purpose of colonization, 1881
W.E.B. Du Bois
To the nations of the world, 1900
Mojola Agbebi
The West African problem, 1911
J.E. Casely Hayford
Race emancipation
particular considerations: African nationality, 1911
Marcus Garvey
If you believe the Negro has a soul, 1921
Part Two: Paths to independence
The fifth Pan-African Congress
Resolutions, 1945
Jomo Kenyatta
Speech at the Kenya African Union, 1952
George Padmore
Communism and Black nationalism, 1956
Felix Houphouet-Boigny
French Africa and the French Union, 1957
Charles de Gaulle
The Franco-African community, 1958
The All-African People's Conference
Resolution on imperialism and colonialism, 1958
Bibi Titi Mohammed
"Travel for TANU": interview, 1958
Sekou Toure
The political leader considered as the representative of a culture, 1959
Gamal Abdel Nasser
The philosophy of the revolution, 1959
Harold Macmillan
Wind of change, 1960
Henrik Verwoerd
Response to Macmillan
Patrice Lumumba
Two speeches, 1960
The United Nations
Declaration on Granting Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, 1960
K.A. Busia
The challenge of nationalism, 1962
Part Three: Independence struggles
Karari Njama
Reflections on the Mau Mau oath, 1952
Albert Luthuli
The road to freedom is via the cross, 1952
The Algerian National Liberation Front
Proclamation of the FLN, 1954
The Federation of South African Women
The Women's charter, 1954
The South African Congress of the People
The Freedom Charter, 1955
The People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola, 1956
Ndabaningi Sithole
White supremacy and African nationalism, 1959
Nelson Mandela
I am prepared to die, 1964
Ian Smith
Announcement of unilateral declaration of independence, 1965
Harold Wilson
Position of the British government on the unilateral declaration of independence by Rhodesia, 1965
Amilcar Cabral
The weapon of theory, 1966
Andimba Toivo ya Toivo
Freedom for Namibia, 1968
Emeka Ojukwu
The Ahiara Declaration, 1969
Eduardo Mondlane
The struggle for independence in Mozambique, 1969
Part Four: Legitimating independence
Kwame Nkrumah
I speak of freedom, 1961
Tom Mboya
Tensions in African development, 1961
Kabaka Mutesa II
Decision to co-operate with Uganda, 1961
Sir Ahmadu Bello
Regional government, 1962
Julius Nyerere
Ujamaa: the basis of African socialism, 1962
Organization of African Unity
Founding charter, 1963
Haile Selassie I
A call to African leaders, 1963
Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa
Addis Ababa, 1963
Nnamdi Azikiwe
Tribalism: a pragmatic instrument for national unity, 1964
Jomo Kenyatta
A one party system, 1964
Leopold Sedar Senghor
African socialist humanism, 1964
Kwame Nkrumah
Consciencism, 1964
Kanyama Chiume and ex-Malawian ministers
Appeal to the U.N. and O.A.U
J.B. Danquah
Letter from prison to Kwame Nkrumah, 1964
Vera Chirwa
Origins of the cabinet crisis, 1964
Obafemi Awolowo
Thoughts on Nigerian constitution, 1966
Kenneth Kaunda
African development and foreign aid, 1966
The Tanganyika African National Union
The Arusha Declaration: on the policy of self-reliance in Tanzania, 1967.

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