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Foreword; Contents; Introduction to Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Africa; 1 Introduction; Africa as a Botanical Continent; Biodiversity Hotspots of Africa; Flora of Africa; Conservation and Sustainable Management of MAP Resources in Africa; Saving Plants that Save Lives: Effect of Chiang Mai Declaration (1988); Commercial Potential of African MAPs; Chemical and Pharmacological Potential of African MAPs; Cultivation of MAPs in Africa: A New Dimension in Agriculture; Cultivation in Farming Systems vs. Sustainable Exploitation of MAPs; The Example of Prunus africana

Organic Production of MAPs in Africa MAPs in Traditional Medicine: A Heritage in Africa; African Herbal Pharmacopoeia and Research to Promote the Medicinal Plant Sector; 2 Conclusion; References; A Review of African Medicinal and Aromatic Plants; 1 Introduction; Diversity of the African Flora; Popular and Commercially Relevant African Plant Species; Sources of Information on African Medicinal and Aromatic Plants; Conclusions and Future Prospects; References; Traditional Use of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Africa; 1 Africa, Its People, Culture and Traditional Medicine

2 Africa, a Continent Blessed with Plants of High Medicinal Value3 Aloe Species, an Integral Part of the Southern African Traditional Medicine System; 4 Medicinal Plants Used During Wedding Ceremonies in the West African Culture; 5 Wonder Nut (Cola nitida) and Its Importance in the Cultural, Social and Everyday Life of the African People; 6 Legendary Plants from North Africa; Henna (Lawsonia inermis): Its Cultural, Traditional Importance and Its Cosmetic Use in Africa; Highly Utilized Medicinal Plants Across the Northern African Countries; Marula, a Revered South African Native

Acalypha species Utilized in the African Traditional Medicine Systems Medicinal Uses of Acalypha manniana, and A. wilkesiana in Africa; 7 Aromatic Plants, an Integral Part of Human Day to Day Life; 8 Northern Africa at the Forefront of Aromatic Plant Production and Export; 9 Buchu, a Genus of Dynamic Aromatic Plants of the South African Flora; 10 A Transition in the Acceptance of African Traditional Medicine from the Days of the Colonial Masters to the Present Age; 11 Progress Made so far by African Countries; References; Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of the World - Africa; 1 Introduction

2 The Role of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Health Systems in Africa3 Monographs, Pharmacopoeias, and Formularies; Monographs and Pharmacopoeias; The Need for the Creation of Formularies; 4 Some Selected Medicinal Plant Monographs; Catha edulis Forssk,; Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don; Corynanthe pachyceras K. Schum.; Erythrina abyssinica Lam ex DC,; Gymnema sylvestre R. Br,; Hypoxis hemerocallidea, Fisch, CA Mey & Ave-Lall.; Kigelia africana (Lam.) Benth,; Maytenus buchananii (Loes.) Wikzek.; Mondia whitei (Hook.f.) Skeels; Prunus Africana (Hook.f.) Kalkman,

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