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Foreword; Note; Preface and Acknowledgements; Contents; List of Tables; Chapter 1: Introduction: New Pan African Economics; Introduction; A Book Objective: New Cultural Approaches to African International Political Economy; Some Research Questions and a Thesis: The Relevance of Pan African Economics; A Book Overview: Chapters 2 Through 6; Conclusion; Notes; Chapter 2: Charting New Frames for African Global Engagement: Resuscitated Histories, Reimagined Concepts, and Reapplied Conte...; Introduction; A Methodological Framework: The Cultural International Political Economy of Africa

Background: Review of African International Political EconomyAfricanist vs African Perspectives on Contemporary International Political Economy; The Hidden Ideology of Africa Rising; Pan African Economic Histories; Pan Africanism as a Third Way; The International Political-Economy of Pan-Africa Rising: New African Middle Classes, Decolonial Glocal Contexts, and Democrat...; Conclusion; Notes; Chapter 3: South Africaś Ubuntu BRICS and Nigeriaś Afri-Capitalist MINTS: The Comparative Political Economy of (Pan) African...; Introduction

The International Political Economy of Nigerian and South African Emerging MarketsNational Ideologies, Developmental States, and African Class Structures: Nigeria and South Africa Compared; Developmental Democratic States; National Bourgeoisies and Incipient Business Classes; The Political Economy of New Middle Classes and Entrepreneurship; The International Political Economy of Nigeria and South Africa in a Global World; Conclusion; Notes; Chapter 4: The Philosophy of African Economic Humanism: Ubuntu and Afri-Capitalism as Case Studies; Introduction

African Economic Humanism: From Pan Africanism to African RenaissanceThe Re-emergence of the African Economic Personality of Ubuntu and Afri-Capitalism; The Global Political Economy of the African Economic Identity; Conclusion; Notes; Chapter 5: Afro-modern Entrepreneurs and (Pan) African Business Leaders: Tony Elumelu and Reuel Khoza as Exemplars; Introduction; Transformational Biographies in an Age of Neoliberalism; National Dialogues and New African Nationalism; Regional Dialogues and New Pan Africanism; Afri-globalists and Pan-Africa Rising Paradoxes; Conclusion; Notes

Chapter 6: Pan ``Africa ́́Rising: The Paradox of Culture, Third Ways, and Coproducing Global DevelopmentIntroduction; The Rise and Fall of Neoliberal Africa; Africans Rising Toward a New Pan Africanism; National Culture and the New Pan Africanism of Afri-Capitalism and Ubuntu Business; Pan African Nations; Afro-modern Afri-Capitalism vs Ubuntu Business ́African Socialism; African Agency; Pan Africa Rising: A Third Route to Contemporary International Political Economy; Five New Pan Africanist Routes to a Third Way Global Economy for Africa; Conclusion; Notes; Index

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