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From Large to Small Organ Segmentation in CT Using Regional Context
Motion Corruption Detection in Breast DCE-MRI
Detection and Localization of Drosophila Egg Chambers in Microscopy Images
Growing a Random Forest with Fuzzy Spatial Features for Fully Automatic Artery-specific Coronary Calcium Scoring
Atlas of Classifiers for Brain MRI Segmentation
Dictionary Learning and Sparse Coding-based Denoising for High-Resolution Task Functional Connectivity MRI Analysis
Yet Another ADNI Machine Learning Paper? Paving The Way Towards Fully-reproducible Research on Classification of Alzheimer's Disease
Multi-Factorial Age Estimation from Skeletal and Dental MRI Volumes
Automatic Classification of Proximal Femur Fractures Based on Attention Models
Joint Supervoxel Classification Forest for Weakly-Supervised Organ Segmentation
Accurate and Consistent Hippocampus Segmentation Through Convolutional LSTM and View Ensemble
STAR: Spatio-Temporal Architecture for Super-Resolution in Low-Dose CT Perfusion
Classification of Alzheimer's Disease by Cascaded Convolutional Neural Networks Using PET Images
Finding Dense Supervoxel Correspondence of Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Images
Multi-Scale Volumetric ConvNet with Nested Residual Connections for Segmentation of Anterior Cranial Base
Feature Learning and Fusion of Multimodality Neuroimaging and Genetic Data for Multi-Status Dementia Diagnosis
3D Convolutional Neural Networks with Graph Refinement for Airway Segmentation Using Incomplete Data Labels
Efficient Groupwise Registration for Brain MRI by Fast Initialization
Sparse Multi-View Task-centralized Learning for ASD Diagnosis
Inter-Subject Similarity Guided Brain Network Modelling for MCI Diagnosis
Scalable and Fault Tolerant Platform for Distributed Learning on Private Medical Data
Triple-Crossing 2.5D Convolutional Neural Network for Detecting Neuronal Arbours in 3D Microscopic Images
Longitudinally-Consistent Parcellation of Infant Population Cortical Surfaces Based on Functional Connectivity
Gradient Boosted Trees for Corrective Learning
Self-paced Convolutional Neural Network for Computer Aided Detection in Medical Imaging Analysis
A Point Says a Lot: An Interactive Segmentation Method for MR Prostate via One-Point Labeling
Collage CNN for Renal Cell Carcinoma Detection from CT
Aggregating Deep Convolutional Features for Melanoma Recognition in Dermoscopy Images
Localizing Cardiac Structures in Fetal Heart Ultrasound Video
Deformable Registration Through Learning of Context-Specific Metric Aggregation
Segmentation of Craniomaxillofacial Bony Structures from MRI with a 3D Deep-learning Based Cascade Framework
3D U-net with Multi-Level Deep Supervision: Fully Automatic Segmentation of Proximal Femur in 3D MR Images
Indecisive Trees for Classification and Prediction of Knee Osteoarthritis
Whole Brain Segmentation and Labeling from CT using synthetic MR Images
Structural Connectivity Guided Sparse Effective Connectivity for MCI Identification
Fusion of High-order and Low-order Effective Connectivity Networks for MCI Classification
Novel Effective Connectivity Network Inference for MCI Identification
Reconstruction of Thin-Slice Medical Images Using Generative Adversarial Network
Neural Network Convolution (NNC) for Converting Ultra-Low-Dose to "Virtual" High-Dose CT Images
Deep-Fext: Deep Feature Extraction for Vessel Segmentation and Centerline Prediction
Product Space Decompositions for Continuous Representations of Brain Connectivity
Identifying Autism from Resting-State fMRI Using Long Short-Term Memory Networks
Machine Learning for Large-Scale Quality Control of 3D Shape Models in Neuroimaging
Tversky Loss Function for Image Segmentation Using 3D Fully Convolutional Deep Networks.

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