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At a Glance; Contents; About the Authors; About the Technical Reviewer; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Chapter 1: Getting Started; Downloading Required Software; Installing the Java 9 Development Kit; Installing the JDK on Microsoft Windows; Installing the JDK on MacOS X; Installing the JDK on Linux; Fedora, CentOS, Oracle Linux, or Red Hat Enterprise Linux OSes; Red Hat Alternatives; Ubuntu/Debian; Default Java; Default Javac; Setting Environment Variables; Setup Windows Environment Variables; Setting Up MacOS X/Linux Environment Variables; Installing Gradle

Installing the NetBeans IDECreating a JavaFX HelloWorld Application; Using the NetBeans IDE; Using an Editor and the Terminal (the Command-Line Prompt); Using Gradle on the Command-Line Prompt ; Walking Through the HelloWorld Source Code; JavaFX Scene Graph; JavaFX Node; Packaging a JavaFX Application; Downloading the Book's Source Code; Summary; Chapter 2: JavaFX and Jigsaw; What Is Project Jigsaw?; Benefits; Drawbacks; Java 9 Migration Path; The jdeps Analysis Tool; Kill Switch; History; JAR Hell; OSGi; Maven/Gradle; Repositories; Maven Coordinates; Getting Started; What Is the Module Path?

Module DefinitionModule Naming; Requires; Requires Public (Implied Readability); Exports; Module Types; Application Module (Explicit Modules); Platform Modules (Implicit); JavaFX Platform Module Graph; Unnamed Module (Classes and Non-Jigsaw Modules on the Classpath); Automatic Modules (JAR Files Loaded as Named Modules); An Example HelloWorld JavaFX 9 Modular Application; Create Project Structure; Create a Module Definition; Create Main Application Code; Compile Code (Module); Copy Resources; Run Application; Package Application as JAR; Run Application as JAR; Display Module Description

An Example Case: Cats Large and SmallCode for the Example; Explanation of the Code; Properties and Binding; UI Patterns; Properties; Types of JavaFX Properties; Read/Writable Properties; Read-Only Properties; JavaFX JavaBean; Property Change Support; Binding; Bidirectional Binding; High-Level Binding; Low-Level Binding; A Logon Dialog Example; Login Dialog Source Code; Explanation of the Code; Class Member Variables; The start() Method; Summary; Chapter 5: Layouts and Scene Builder; Layouts; HBox; An HBox Example; Code Walkthrough; VBox; A VBox Example; Code Walkthrough; FlowPane; BorderPane

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