

Fisk Jubilee Proclamation
Julius Monroe Trotter submission to The Crisis
Jubilee Blues
Blind Tom plays for Confederate troops, 1863
General James Bethune and John Bethune introduce Blind Tom
What marked Tom?
Mark Twain v. Blind Tom
Blind Tom plays for a packed house, 1873
Millie McKoy & Christine McKoy recall meeting Blind Tom, 1877
What the wind, rain, and thunder said to Tom
General Bethune v. W.C. Handy, 1885
Charity on Blind Tom
Eliza Bethune v. Charity Wiggins
General Bethune on Blind Tom
Duet: Blind Boone meets Blind Tom, 1889
Blind Tom plays on ...
Blind Tom: one body, two graves; Brooklyn/Georgia
Jubilee: Isaac Dickerson (1852-1900)
Interview: Della Marie Jenkins, RN
Jubilee: Eliza Walker (1857-?)
Millie and Christine McKoy
Millie-Christine: on display
Millie-Christine are kidnapped
Millie-Christine's love story
Millie-Christine buy land
McKoy twins syncopated star
step right up
Jubilee: Ben Holmes (1846-1875)
Interview: Sam Patterson
Jubilee: Minnie Tate (1857-?)
Mirror of slavery
mirror chicanery
Pre-face: Berryman-Brown
Freedsong: dream gone
Freedsong: dream dawn
Freedsong: so long! (duet)
Freedsong: dream long
Freedsong: of 1850
Freedsong: dream wronged
Freedsong: dream of my son
Freedsong: dream strong
Freedsong: of 1876
Freedsong: dream song
Jubilee: George White (1838-1895)
Interview: John William "Blind" Boone
Jubilee: Maggie Porter (1853-1942)
Apparition in C
Roots of Boone
Apparition in Eb
Blind Boone's blessings
Apparition in F
Blind Boone's vision
Apparition in F♯
Blind Boone's escape
Apparition in G
Blind Boone's rage
Apparition in Bb
Blind Boone's pianola blues
Apparition in C
Jubilee: Greene Evans (1848-1914)
Interview: Carmen LeDieux
Jubilee: Ella Sheppard (1851-1914)
Bert Williams-George Walker paradox
The Witmark Amateur Minstrel Guide
All coons look alike to me 1
Coon songs must go!-Coon songs go on (1)
All coons look alike to me! 2
Coon songs must go!-Coon songs go on (2)
All coons look alike to me! 3
Coon songs must go!-Coon songs go on (3)
Dunbar-Booker double shovel table 2-3-table 2-5
Jubilee: Thomas Rutling (1854?-1915)
Interview: Lottie Joplin, Part 1
Jubilee: Jennie Jackson (1852-1910)
WPA interview: E. Shoe
My name is Sissieretta Jones
WPA interview: E. Shoe
Sissieretta Jones, Carnegie Hall, 1902: O patria mia
WPA interview: E. Shoe
Sissieretta Jones: ad libitum
WPA interview: E. Shoe
Sissieretta Jones & the Black Patti Troubadours: Forte-Grazioso
WPA interview: E. Shoe
Jubilee Indigo
Interview: Lottie Joplin, Part 2
Berlin v. Joplin: Alexander's real slow drag
Jubilee Mission
Alabaster hands
Forever free
Hagar in the wilderness
The death of Cleopatra
Indian combat
Colonel Robert Gould Shaw
Edmonia Lewis: provenance
We've sung each free day like it's salvation
Last letter home
Presenting: The Dunbar-Booker Double Shovel
Presenting: The Bert Williams/George Walker Paradox
Step Right Up! Henry "Box" Brown Facing/Evading Slave Capture Dream on ... Duet
Notes on Jubilee and Syncopated Sonnets
The Trotter Interviews
Olio timeline.

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