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Relevance / Tom D. Dillehay
Foundational understandings / Tom D. Dillehay
Research design / Tom D. Dillehay
The environmental setting, past and present / Patricia J. Netherly and Tom D. Dillehay
Holocene geology and paleoenvironmental history of the lower Chicama Valley / Steven L. Goodbred Jr., Rachel Beavins, Michael Ramírez, Mario Pino, André Oliveira Sawakuchi, Claudio Latorre, Tom D. Dillehay, and Duccio Bonavia
Cultural phases and radiocarbon chronology / Tom D. Dillehay and Duccio Bonavia
Site data and patterns / Tom D. Dillehay, Duccio Bonavia, Gabino Rodríguez, Gerson Levi-Lazzarus, Daniel Fernandes Moreira, Marilaura López Solís, Paige Silcox, and Kristin Benson
Bioarchaeology of the Huaca Prieta remains / Anne R. Titelbaum and John W. Verano
Faunal remains / Víctor F. Vásquez, Teresa Rosales Tham, Tom D. Dillehay, and Patricia J. Netherly
Plant remains / Duccio Bonavia, Víctor F. Vásquez, Teresa Rosales Tham, Tom D. Dillehay, Patricia J. Netherly, and Kristin Benson
Nontextile and nonbasketry material culture / Tom D. Dillehay and Duccio Bonavia
Twined and woven artifacts. Part 1, Textiles / Jeffrey Splitstoser ; Part 2, Basketry and cordage from Huaca Prieta / Jeff Illingworth and J.M. Adovasio
Outlying domestic house mound sites / Greg Maggard and Tom D. Dillehay
Continuity, change, and the construction of the early Sangamon society / Tom D. Dillehay
Beyond matter to foundations and representations / Tom D. Dillehay
Appendices. 1. Stratigraphy, sedimentology, and chronology at Huaca Prieta / Mario Pino ; 2. Charcoal analysis / Isabel Rey ; 3. Marine shell analysis for seasonality / Teresa C.B. Franco ; 4. Chili pepper distribution and use / Katherine L. Chiou, Christine A. Hastorf, Víctor F. Vásquez, Teresa Rosales Tham, Duccio Bonavia, and Tom D. Dillehay ; 5. Maize analysis / Duccio Bonavia and Alexander Grobman ; 6. Dietary ecology, stable isotope, and dental microwear texture analysis / Larisa R.G. DeSantis, Tom D. Dillehay, Steven L. Goodbred Jr., and Robert S. Feranec ; 7. Phytolith analysis / José Iriarte and Jennifer Watling ; 8. Sand and salt samples from Huaca Prieta / Mario Pino ; 9. Starch grains / Dolores R. Piperno, Timothy Messner, and Irene Holst ; 10. Human skeletal remains from various excavations / Anne R. Titelbaum and John W. Verano ; 11. Pigment analysis / Jeff Illingworth, Jack Williams, and Michelle L. Farley ; 12. Pollen analysis / Linda Scott Cummings ; 13. Fish otoliths from Huaca Prieta / Elise Dufour, Olivier Trombret, and Philippe Béarez ; 14. Semele corrugata microstructure and oxygen isotope profiles as indicators of seasonality / Jeixin Wei, C. Fred T. Andrus, and Alberto Pérez-Huerta ; 15. Geophysical prospection at Huaca Prieta and Paredones / Phil Mink ; 16. Preliminary use-wear study of stone tools / Tom D. Dillehay ; 17. Estimating haplogroup affiliation through ancient mtDNA analysis from the Huaca Prieta burials / Tiffiny A. Tung, Jessica Blair, Marshal Summar, Raúl Tito, and Cecil Lewis ; 18. Soil chemistry analysis / [source, University of Kentucky, College of Agriculture, Division of Regulatory Services
Soil Lab] ; 19. SEM-XRF analysis of green stone / Steven L. Goodbred Jr. and Tom D. Dillehay.

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