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Alphabetical list of entries
Bibliographical abbreviations
General abbreviations
A: Africa, poetry of; Al-Andalus, poetry of; Albania, poetry of; Arabic poetics; Arabic poetry; Arabic prosody; Argentina, poetry of; Armenian poetry and poetics; Assamese poetry; Assyria and Babylonia, poetry of; Australia, poetry of; Austria, poetry of
B: Basque Country, poetry of the; Belgium, poetry of; Bengali poetry; Bolivia, poetry of; Bosnian poetry; Brazil, poetry of; Breton poetry; Bulgaria, poetry of; Byzantine poetry
C: Cambodia, poetry of; Canada, poetry of; Caribbean, poetry of the; Catalan poetry; Celtic prosody; Chile, poetry of; China, modern poetry of; China, poetry of; China, popular poetry of; Chinese poetic drama; Chinese poetics; Chinese poetry in English translation; Chinese poetry in Japan; Colombia, poetry of; Cornish poetry; Croatian poetry; Czech poetry
D: Denmark, poetry of
E: Ecuador, poetry of; Egypt, poetry of; El Salvador, poetry of; England, poetry of; Esperanto poetry; Estonia, poetry of; Ethiopia, poetry of
F: Finland, poetry of; France, poetry of; French prosody; Frisian poetry
G: Galicia, poetry of; Georgia, poetry of; Germanic prosody; German poetry; Greek poetry; Guaraní poetry; Guatemala, poetry of; Gujarati poetry
H: Hausa poetry; Hebrew poetry; Hebrew prosody and poetics; Hindi poetry; Hittite poetry; Hungary, poetry of

I: Iceland, poetry of; India, English poetry of; India, poetry of; Indian prosody; indigenous Americas, poetry of the; Indonesian poetry; Inuit poetry; Ireland, poetry of; Italian prosody; Italy, poetry of
J: Japan, modern poetry of; Japan, poetry of; Japanese poetic diaries; Japanese poetics; Judeo-Spanish poetry
K: Kannada poetry; Kashmiri poetry; Korea, poetry of
L: Latin poetry; Latvia, poetry of; Lithuania, poetry of; Low Countries, poetry of the
M: Macedonian poetry; Malayalam poetry; Malay poetry; Mapuche poetry; Marathi poetry; Mexico, poetry of; Mongolia, poetry of
N: Navajo poetry; Nepali and Pahari poetry; Newar poetry; New Norse (Nynorsk) poetry; New Zealand, poetry of; Nicaragua, poetry of; Norse poetry; Norway, poetry of
O: Occitan poetry; Oriya poetry
P: Persian poetry; Peru, poetry of; Philippines, poetry of the; Poland, poetry of; Polynesian poetry; Portugal, poetry of; Prakrit poetry; Punjabi poetry
R: Rāmāyaṇa poetry; Romania, poetry of; Romani poetry; Russia, poetry of
S: Sanskrit poetics; Sanskrit poetry; Scotland, poetry of; Serbian poetry; Slovakia, poetry of; Slovenian poetry; Somali poetry; South Africa, poetry of; Spain, poetry of; Spanish America, poetry of; Spanish prosody; Sri Lanka, poetry of; Sumerian poetry; Swahili poetry; Sweden, poetry of; Switzerland, poetry of

T: Tamil poetry and poetics; Telugu poetry; Thailand, poetry of; Tibet, contemporary poetry of; Tibet, traditional poetry and poetics of; Turkic poetry; Turkish poetry
U: Ukraine, poetry of; United States, poetry of; the Urdu poetry; Uruguay, poetry of
V: Venezuela, poetry of; Vietnam, poetry of
W: Welsh poetry
X: Xhosa poetry
Y: Yiddish poetry
Z: Zulu poetry.

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