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Table of Contents
Telling li(v)es: women and autobiography
Court and convent: Leonor López de Córdoba and Sor Teresa de Cartagena
Carmelite and Cloister: Santa Teresa de Jesús
In the footsteps of Santa Teresa: Carmelite nuns and the reform(er)
Soldier in New Spain: Catalina de Erauso
Defending her life: Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz.
Court and convent: Leonor López de Córdoba and Sor Teresa de Cartagena
Carmelite and Cloister: Santa Teresa de Jesús
In the footsteps of Santa Teresa: Carmelite nuns and the reform(er)
Soldier in New Spain: Catalina de Erauso
Defending her life: Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz.