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Preface; Organization Committees; Local Organizing Committees; Scientific Committees; Contents; Part I Papers by Plenary Speakers; Stable Bifurcations in Multi-species Semelparous Population Models; 1 Introduction; 2 Multi-species Semelparous Population Models; 3 Bifurcations in Kolmogorov Difference Equations; 4 Derivation of Kolmogorov Difference Equations from System (1); 5 Lotka-Volterra Equations; 6 Stable Bifurcations in Multi-species Semelparous Models; 7 Interpretation of Stability Conditions; 7.1 The Sign of baraii; 7.2 The Sign of s(Aii); 7.3 The Sign of s(Diag(Tx*)barA)

8 Examples of Instability9 Concluding Remarks; References; Dichotomy Spectra of Nonautonomous Linear Integrodifference Equations; 1 Motivation and Introduction; 2 Dichotomy Spectrum; 2.1 Periodic Difference Equations; 2.2 Compact Difference Equations; 2.3 Finite-Rank Difference Equations; 2.4 Finite-Dimensional and Difference Equations; 3 Operators with Discrete Spectrum; 4 Linear Integrodifference Equations; 4.1 Integral Operators; 4.2 Asymptotics of Spectral Intervals; 4.3 Examples; References

A Dynamical Trichotomy for Structured Populations Experiencing Positive Density-Dependence in Stochastic Environments1 Introduction; 2 Models, Assumptions, and Definitions; 3 Main Results; 4 Applications; 5 Proofs; References; Replicator Equations as Limits of Evolutionary Games on Complete Graphs; 1 Introduction; 2 Social Dilemma Games; 3 Replicator Equations; 4 Evolutionary Games on Graphs; 5 Evolutionary Games on Complete Graphs
Convergence of Stability Regions; 6 Evolutionary Games on Complete Graphs
Convergence of Trajectories; 7 Summary and Final Remarks; References

Part II Contributed PapersConnection Between Continuous and Discrete Delay and Halanay type Inequalities; 1 Introduction; 2 Basic Lemmas on the Equivalence of the Asymptotic Behavior of the Solutions of Continuous and Discrete Inequalities; 3 Main Results; 4 Applications; References; Convergence of Finite Difference Schemes Applied to the Cauchy Problems of Quasi-linear Partial Differential Equations of the Normal Form; 1 Introduction; 2 An Abstract Cauchy-Kowalevskaya Theorem; 3 Main Result; 4 Outline of Proof of Lemma 1; 5 Numerical Example; References

Operator Theoretic Phenomena of the Markov Operators which are Induced by Stochastic Difference Equations1 Introduction; 2 Preliminares; 3 Main Results; References; On the Behavior of the Error in Numerical Iterative Method for PDE; 1 Differential and Difference Equations; 2 Basic Iterative Method and Krylov Subspace Method; 3 Vector Visualisation; 4 Preconditioner and Comparison Theorem; 5 Conclusion; References; Property B of the Four-Dimensional Neutral Difference System; 1 Introduction; 2 Oscillatory Solutions; 3 Nonoscillatory Solutions and Their Asymptotic Properties

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