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Chapter 1. Inroduction: A new global order
Drawing the contours of globalism
The mid-century discourse of globalism
The ideologues of globalism
Outline of the book
Chapter 2. Reimagining the state in a global space
The intellectual worlds of Raymond Aron and David Mitrany
Critique of ideology and nationalism
The state and a new world order
Europe, United and divided
E. H. Carr and political order in the global age
Chapter 3. Geopolitics and regional order
Owen Lattimore, Nicholas J. Spykman, and the science of geopolitics
Isaiah Bowman, Karl Haushofer, and geopolitics in transition
Lattimore and Spykman on land, sea, and air power
The geopolitics of scale
After Frederick Jackson Turner: The frontier in international relations
The geopolitics of regional democracy
Geopolitics and the post-war political space
Chapter 4. The end of imperial federalism?
Federal union: Lobbying for a democratic federation
Lionel Curtis's Sermon on the Mount
Clarence Streit: 'We need union now'
Frederick Lugard, Norman Bentwich, and the boundaries of the Commonwealth
Chapter 5. Federal democracy for welfare
Lionel Robbins and the politics of economic federalism
Barbara Wootton's democratic plan for freedom
Friedrich Hayek and the challenge of liberal federalism
The emancipatory hope of democratic federalism
Chapter 6. Writing a world constitution: The Chicago committee and the new world order
Richard McKeon, Giuseppe Antonio Borgese, and the establishment of the Chicago committee
The unity and division of sovereignty
The problem of representation
Decolonising the non-West
Pluralism and human rights
The preliminary draft of a world constitution
Hans Kelsen and the critics of the constitution
The limits of constitutionalism
Chapter 7. Perceptions of science and global order
World government or world destruction: H. G. Wells responds to the crisis
Charles E. Merriam, scientific objectivity, and political judgment
Michael Polanyi and the liberal dynamic order
Lewis Mumford's remedy to global madness
A turn to faith
Chapter 8. Catholicism, pluralism, and global democracy
Luigi Sturzo, Jacques Maritain, and democracy in exile
Political pluralism and the challenge of order
Maritain, Sturzo, and Aron propose federalism against Machiavellianism
Global democracy and Catholic morality
Global 'pluralism(s) of fear'
Chapter 9. Conclusion: The genealogy of globalism
The public role of intellectuals
The globalist ideology and the globalised future.

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