

Introduction: How electoral systems matter : for politics and the scientific study thereof
Components of simple electoral systems
Components of complex and composite electoral systems
The number of parties and proportionality : two key tools for analysis
Examples of electoral systems : nationwide PR in Israel and FPTP in Trinidad and Tobago, and India
Examples of electoral systems : districted PR and list type in Finland, Portugal, and elsewhere
The seat product model of the effective number of assembly parties
Winners plus one : how we get votes from seats
Basic laws of party seats and votes : and application to deviation from proportionality
All politics is national? : how "embeddedness" in a national assembly system shapes votes and seats in a district
Coattails upside down : how assembly elections shape presidential elections
How election timing matters in presidential democracy : and how it does not
How electoral systems shape candidate vote shares
Pooling or its absence : nomination and alliance behavior
Extending the seat product model : upper tiers and ethnic diversity
Complexities in electoral systems : do simple models work anyway?
Conclusion: Substance and method.

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