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Acknowledgements; Contents; 1: Introduction: Science Communication asßCulture; What is science communication?; Science communication asßecosystem; Science communication asßculture; Identity inßscience communication; Production ofßscience communication; Representations inßscience communication; Consumption ofßscience communication; Regulation ofßscience communication; The circuit ofßculture asßaßheuristic; Notes; 2: Histories: Telling theßStory ofßWhere Contemporary Science Communication, This Book, andßOur Own Work ComeßFrom; Enlightenment, science, andßdemocracy.

Controversy andßresistance Public understanding ofßscience toßpublic engagement withßscience; Dialogue, deliberation andßparticipation; Modelling science communication; Communication asßconstitutive andßmaterial; Notes; 3: Identities: How Scientists Represent Collectives, Construct Identities, andßMake Sense ofßScience; Science communication asßstrategic performance; Making sense ofßorganisations; Representing science; Celebrity scientists; Dual allegiance andßdecoupling; Notes; 4: The Changing Nature ofßScience Communication: Diversification, Education andßProfessionalisation.

A shifting media landscape The ecosystem ofßscience communication is diversifying; Integration andßspecialisation inßscience communication; The professionalisation ofßscience communication; Training science communicators; Norms andßvalues inßscience communication; Researching professionalised science communication; Notes; 5: The Changing Nature ofßScience: Academic Capitalism, Entrepreneurial Universities andßPR; Entrepreneurial science andßacademic capitalism; Science communication andßtheß marketisation ofßscience; Interdisciplinary andßintersectoral collaboration.

Corporate communication inßscience Scientific excellence asßbrand; Science PR; Media policies andßoffices; Crisis communication inßscience; The rise ofßinterface specialists; Science is changing; Notes; 6: Futures: Innovation Communication asßPerformative, Normative, andßInterest-Driven; Science communication creates futures; Innovation communication; The performativity ofßexpectations; The normativity ofßexpectations; Expectations andßinterests; How should weßstudy andßcommunicate expectations?; Notes.

7: Images, Spaces, andßEmotions: Non-Ưdiscursive Aspects ofßScience Communication Images inßscience communication; The sociology ofßimages; Exploring materiality inßscience communication; The affordances ofßobjects, structures, spaces andßplaces; Emotions inßscience communication; Boredom andßmisbehaviour; Notes; 8: Scientific Citizenship: TheßRole ofßScience Communication inßDemocracy; Scientific citizenship; Scientific citizenship andßcitizen science; Science communication asßcapacity building; A systemic approach toßdeliberation; The dynamics ofßpower.

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