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J. Alcaniz et al. Measuring baryon acoustic oscillations with angular two-point correlation function
C.M. Boily Resonant disruption of binary stars by a catalytic black hole
Rong-Gen Cai and Li-Ming Cao Mechanics of Apparent Horizon in Two Dimensional Dilaton Gravity
Sumanta Chakraborty Boundary Terms of the Einstein-Hilbert Action
Timothy Clifton and John Barrow Decay of the Cosmic Vacuum Energy
Naresh Dadhich Understanding General Relativity after 100 years: A matter of perspective
Tevian Dray Piecewise Conserved Quantities
Pankaj Joshi Self-Similarity and Criticality in Gravitational Collapse
Claus Kiefer Notes on semiclassical Weyl gravity
Dawood Kothawala Accelerated Observers, Thermal Entropy, and Spacetime Curvature
Donald Lynden-Bell A local stress tensor for gravity Fields
Michele Maggiore Nonlocal Infrared Modifications of Gravity: A Review
Ayan Mukhopadhyay Emergence of gravity and RG flow
S. Modak Modelling non-paradoxical loss of information in black hole evaporation
J.V. Narlikar Relativistic Paths : A Feynman Problem
Martin Rees Thoughts on 50 years in astrophysics and cosmology and on what comes next
Sudipta Sarkar Area Theorem: General Relativity and Beyond
Shankarnarayanan What Are the Atoms of Space Time?
Suprit Singh From Quantum to Classical in the Sky
T.P. Singh Classical and quantum: a conflict of interest
Lee Smolin Four principles for quantum gravity
L. Sriramkurar What do detectors detect?
Urjit A Yajnik Stability longevity and all that : false vacua and topological defects.

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