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Why Can't Philosophers Laugh?; Contents; 1 Introduction; Primary Sources; Secondary Sources; Part I European Perspectives; 2 We Have a Body!: Kant, Schopenhauer and Bergson; Laughter's Purposelessness without Purpose: Kant; A Willing Body: Schopenhauer; Movement and Flux: Bergson; Conclusion; Notes; Primary Sources; Secondary Sources; 3 Redeeming Laughter in Nietzsche; The Tragic Overture to Laughter; Gay Science; Thus Spoke Zarathustra; Notes; Primary Sources; Secondary Sources; 4 Humour and Finitude in Kierkegaard; Humour and Pathos; Humour and Religion; Notes; Primary Works

Secondary WorksPart II Chinese Perspectives; 5 A Comic Confucius?; Li ? as a Source for Humour; Confucius's Situation; Confucius as a Comic Figure; Conclusion; Primary Sources; Secondary Sources; 6 Humour as the Playful Sidekick to Language in the Zhuangzi; Notes; Primary Sources; Secondary Sources; 7 Laughing for Nothing in Chan Buddhism; Patriarchs and Founding Narratives; "One Mind" and Conceptual Thought; The Nature of Opposites; Humour, Wordplay and Silence; Violence; Taking Nothing Seriously; Notes; Primary Sources; Secondary Sources

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