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Part I
The Portuguese Civil Code Through the Prism of the Draft Common Frame of Reference (DCFR): Portuguese Codified Law and its Broad-minded Attitude Towards Comparative Law and Jurisprudence from a Historical Perspective
Judges as Key Players in the Development of European Private Law
A Role for the DCFR in Domestic Adjudication
Part II
A Plea for the Informal Acceptance of the Concept of “Legally Relevant Damage” as a Way to Break the Stalemate Created by the Category “Pure Economic Losses”: General Remarks on the Non-contractual Liability Regime Arising out of Damage Caused to Another in the Portuguese Civil Code
Drawbacks of Unlawfulness and Compensation of Pure Economic Loss
General Remarks on the Non-contractual Liability Regime Arising out of Damage Caused to Another in the Draft Common Frame of Reference (PEL. Liab. Dam.)
Reception of the DCFR’s Concept of “Legally Relevant Damage” and its Potential for the Protection of Pure Economic Interests
Part III
Critical Remarks: Cutting the Gordian Knot with the DCFR: The Deadlock of Pure Economic Loss and the Quest for a Solution
Could Portuguese Courts Use the DCFR over National Sources of Law?
Should the Portuguese Courts Use the DCFR Concept of “Legally Relevant Damage”?.

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