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The Cultural Life of Capitalism in Yugoslavia; Acknowledgements; Contents; Chapter 1 Introduction: Cultural Capitalism the (Post)Yugoslav Way ; Capitalism: A Restructured Feeling; Cultural Hybridity and the Yugoslav State of (Non-)Exception; Notes Towards Cultural Capitalism; References; Part I Capital(ism) and Class Cultures; Chapter 2 The Strange Absence of Capital(ism) ; References; Chapter 3 Fictions of Crime in a State of Exception ; Yugoslav Exceptionalism; Crime Fiction; A Specimen Story; A Socialist Masochism; References

Chapter 4 Rethinking Class in Socialist Yugoslavia: Labor, Body, and Moral Economy On Liminality; The Bodies; The Gaze; Conclusion; References; Chapter 5 The Restoration of Capitalism After Yugoslavia: Cultural Capital, Class and Power ; Class as a Discursive Object: "Nation-Talk" and "Class-Talk" in Post-Yugoslav Capitalism; Cultural Boundary-making: Culture as Capital; Egalitarianism, Neoliberalism and the Myth of Middle-classness; Five Cultural Types and Their Class: Localism vs Cosmopolitanism; Aesthetic Cultures and Their Class Affiliation

Social Character and Moral Economy of Cultural Types: Class, Gender and EthnicityConclusion: Middle Classes in Search of Mythical Fullness; References; Chapter 6 Class and Culture in Yugoslav Factory Newspapers ; I; II; III; IV; V; References; Chapter 7 Post-Yugoslav Notes on Marx's Class Theory and Middle-Class Classism ; Introduction; Two Theories of Class in Marx; Class and Culture; Middle Class and Classism; References; Part II Trajectories of Capitalism: Culture and Everyday Life; Chapter 8 On Yugoslav Market Socialism Through Živojin Pavlović's When I Am Dead and Pale (1967)

Black Wave Films Preceded the Minerva's Owl of 1968Contextualization: Pavlović Strikes Against Market Reform; Visualizing the Blind Spot: Pavlović on Unemployment in the Workers' State; Anti-Hero Jimmy the Boat: From a Self-Managed Idol to Self-Managed Excrement; To Abandon the Hope at the End of the Tunnel: From Symbolic Death to a Lanternlight-Dream?; Conclusion; References; Chapter 9 Against Capitalism from the Stalinist Cellar: The Balkan Spy in the Post-Yugoslav Context ; References; Chapter 10 The Contested Place of the Detached Home in Yugoslavia's Socialist Cities

The Shift Toward Single-Family Housing in YugoslaviaWhat Was Wrong with Single-Family Housing, and How to Fix It: Perspectives from Across Yugoslavia; Strategies for Incorporating Single-Family Housing: An Attempt at a Middle Road; Conclusion; References; Chapter 11 Yugoslavia Looking Westward: Transnational Consumer Contact with Italy During the 1960s ; Abbreviations; Positioning Yugoslavia as a Consumer Society; Doing Business the Italian Way; Going Shopping on the Other Side; The Recovery of the Borderlands After the Udine Agreement

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