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Table of Contents
Introduction: What school leaders need to know
The racial achievement gap
The color of mind: constructing racial differences in intellect, character, and conduct
The color of schooling: constructing the racial achievement gap
Voices of dissent: dispelling an inglorious fallacy
"A tangle of pathology": the color of mind takes a cultural turn
What schools cannot fix: poverty, inequality, and segregation
Old poison in new bottles: how the color of mind thrives in schools and affects achievement
Why we sort kids in school
Unjust schools: why the origins of the achievement gap matter.
The racial achievement gap
The color of mind: constructing racial differences in intellect, character, and conduct
The color of schooling: constructing the racial achievement gap
Voices of dissent: dispelling an inglorious fallacy
"A tangle of pathology": the color of mind takes a cultural turn
What schools cannot fix: poverty, inequality, and segregation
Old poison in new bottles: how the color of mind thrives in schools and affects achievement
Why we sort kids in school
Unjust schools: why the origins of the achievement gap matter.