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Introduction. The role of parliaments and civil society in Africa's regional integration / Korwa G. Adar, Giovanni Finizio and Angela Meyer
The Pan-African Parliament as an institution of regional integration : prospects and constraints / John Akokpari
Sovereignty of East Africans in the balance : the role of the East African legislative assembly and the integration process of the East African Community (EAC) / Korwa G. Adar
The parliamentarization of African regional integration : the case of the Economic Community of West African States' (ECOWAS) assembly / Linda Darkwa & Cyril Obi
The Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa's legislative assembly and its role in the regional integration process / Angela Meyer
The role of SADC parliamentary forum in southern African integration process / Takawira Musavengana
East African integration : a contextual analysis of the role of Tanzania's legislative assembly / Richard Bosire
Economic Community of West African States integration : the role of Nigeria's legislative assembly / Nkwachukwu Orji
Models, norms and self-interest towards regional integration : South African parliamentary diplomacy and the conduct of parliamentary international relations / Paul H. Bischoff
The role of civil society in the consolidation and institutionalization of participatory democracy within the East African Community (EAC) / Joshua Kivuva
West African integration : the role of civil society in the consolidation and institutionalisation of participatory democracy / Francis N. Ikome and David Kode
Region building from below. Potential and challenges of civil society involvement in Central Africa's integration process / Angela Meyer
The role of civil society in regional integration in southern Africa : patternes of inclusion and exclusion / Andreas LitsegÄrd
Society involvement and ownership of the African Union integration process / Giovanni Finizio
Conclusion and recommendations / Korwa G. Adar, Giovanni Finizio and Angela Meyer.

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