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Publisher's note
Editor's introduction
African American Civil Rights. Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954) plus Enforcement Decree for Same (1955) ; Women's Political Council documents ; Address to the Montgomery Improvement Association ; Eisenhower Address on Little Rock ; Letter from Magnolia County Jail ; Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee Constitution ; "Letter from Birmingham Jail" ; Account of participation in sit-ins ; Presidential Address on Civil Rights ; Address to the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom ; "I Have a Dream" Speech ; Malcolm X on the Black Revolution ; President Johnson's remarks on Signing the Civil Rights Act of 1964 ; Testimony of Fannie Lou Hamer before the Credentials Committee of the Democratic National Convention ; "Our God is Marching On" ; Speech before Congress on Voting Rights ; "In Defense of Self-Defense" ; Justice Thurgood Marshall's Dissent in the Bakke Case
Women and Equality. Griswold v. Connecticut ; National Organization for Women (NOW) Founding Statement ; An Act ending sex discrimination in government employment ; Position paper regarding the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) ; Title IX ; Roe v. Wade ; Planned Parenthood v. Casey ; Women in the Service Implementation Plan ; Vice President Joseph Biden on Combating Violence against Women
Latino Civil Rights. Hernandez v. Texas ; "Prayer of the Farm Workers' Struggle" ; Proposals Made by High School Students of East Los Angeles ; Equal Educational Opportunities Act of 1974 ; Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 ; Letter of protest regarding the treatment of undocumented immigrants ; Executive actions on Immigration, 2014
The Gay Rights Movement. Stonewall Riot leaflet ; Statements by the American Psychological Association regarding Homosexuality ; ACT UP Founding Document and Speech ; Don't Ask, Don't Tell ; Lawrence v. Texas ; Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Act ; United States v. Windsor ; Excerpts from Obergefell v. Hodges
Native American Rights. Indian Civil Rights Act ; Trail of Broken Treaties Position Paper ; American Indian Movement
National Operational Goal ; President Gerald Ford's Statement on Signing the Indian Self-Determination and Educational Assistance Act of 1975 ; American Indian Religious Freedom Act ; Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act
Appendixes. Chronological List ; Web Resources ; Bibliography ; Index.

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