

1. Psychologists in the Social Policy Arena
Goals Of This Volume
Psychologists In The Policy Arena
Key Terms In The Field
Historical Context: Psychology, Policy, And The Public Interest
Developmental Psychology And Social Policy
Social Psychology, Social Issues, And Social Policy
Community Psychology And Social Policy
Research Methodology
Overview Of The Remaining Chapters
2. Psychologists in the Policy Arena: Policy Process, Use of Research, Vantage Points, Methods, and Skills
The Policy Process: An Ecological, Systemic Perspective
The Use Of Research In The Policymaking Process
Vantage Points From Which Psychologists Can Influence Policy
Policy Influence Methods
Policy Insiders: Working Inside Government
Policy Influence Skills
Getting Started In Policy Work
3. University Faculty in the Policy Arena
Legislative Branch Influence
Executive Branch Influence
Judicial Branch Influence
Influencing Policy From The Vantage Point Of The University: Benefits And Limitations
4. Psychologists Working in Intermediary Organizations
Psychologists Working For APA
Psychologists Working As Study Directors In The National Academies
Psychologists Working In Research, Evaluation, And Consultation Organizations
Psychologists Who Work In Foundations
Influencing Policy From The Vantage Point Of Intermediary Organizations: Benefits And Limitations
5. Psychologists Working as Policy Insiders
Staff Positions Working For Us Senators
Staff Positions Working For Congressional Committees
Elected Officials
Executive Branch Agency Positions
Influencing Policy From The Vantage Point Of Policy Insider: Benefits And Limitations
6. Policy-Relevant Research: Characteristics and Pathways to Policy Influence
Program Evaluation Research
Understanding Phenomena Of Interest
System Policies And Practices Research 20s Practical Aids And Heuristic Guides
Policy-Relevant Research And Policy Influence
7. Policy Journeys: Multiple Involvements, Distinctive Aspects, and Influences
Multiple Policy Involvements
Distinctive Aspects Of A Policy Career
8. Policy Failures and Defeats, Barriers and Challenges, and Lessons Learned
Policy Failures And Defeats
The Policy Landscape: Politics, Power, Budget, Transitions, And Implementation
Challenges: Effective Communication, Integrity, Attacks, And Strain
Lessons Learned: Multiple Approaches, Time Perspective, And Persistence
Striving For Policy Impact: A Long Journey With Great Possibility
9. Conclusions and Future Directions
What Have We Learned?
Future Directions
Parting Messages And Advice From Psychologists Involved In Policy Influence Work
Closing Remarks.

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