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Table of Contents
Social media, social networking, and social movements
The history of marriage in the U.S
Inside the newsroom: shifting attitudes about how to cover same-sex marriage
Media framing of the marriage debate
The proponents: making the case for marriage equality
The opponents: the religious right fights to save traditional marriage
The opponents within: queer resistance to the marriage movement
From pariah to cause célèbre: corporate evolution on the issue of same-sex marriage
Social media and the inevitability of same-sex marriage.
Social media, social networking, and social movements
The history of marriage in the U.S
Inside the newsroom: shifting attitudes about how to cover same-sex marriage
Media framing of the marriage debate
The proponents: making the case for marriage equality
The opponents: the religious right fights to save traditional marriage
The opponents within: queer resistance to the marriage movement
From pariah to cause célèbre: corporate evolution on the issue of same-sex marriage
Social media and the inevitability of same-sex marriage.