

Prefatory note / by James Hankins
Prefaces. I. Constantine Lascaris, Grammar (March 8, 1495) ; II. Musaeus, Hero and Leander (ca. 1495/97) ; III. Aristotle, Organon (November 1, 1495) ; IV. Theodore Gaza, Introduction to grammar; Apollonius Dyscolus, On syntax (December 25, 1495) ; V. Theocritus, Hesiod, Theognis, Selected works (February 1496) ; VI. The treasury, The cornucopia of Amalthea, and The Gardens of Adonis (August 1496) ; VII. Aristode, Natural philosophy (February 1497) ; VIII. Aristotle, Zoological works (June 1, 1497) ; IX. Aristotle, Metaphysics, mechanics, and problems; Theophrastus, Botanical writings (June 1, 1497) ; X. Joannes Crastonus, Greek dictionary (December 1497) ; XI. Urbano da Belluno, Greek grammar (January 1498) ; XII. Aristotle, Moral philosophy (June 1498) ; XIII. Aristophanes, Nine comedies (July 13, 1498) ; XIV. The Greek epistolographers (April 17, 1499) ; XV. Dioscorides, The materials of medicine; Nicander, Theriaca and Alexipharmaca (July 8, 1499) ; XVI. Julius Firmicus Maternus, Astronomica; Marcus Manilius, Astronomica; Aratus, Phaenomena; Proclus, Sphaera (October 14, 1499) ; XVII. Constantine Lascaris, The eight parts of speech (December 1501?) ; XVIII. Stephanus Byzantius, On cities (March 18, 1502) ; XIX. Julius Pollux of Naucraris, Onomasticon (April 11, 1502) ; XX. Thucydides, Histories (May 14, 1502) ; XXI. Sophocles, Seven tragedies (August 1502) ; XXII. Herodotus, Histories (September 1502) ; XXIII. Euripides, Seventeen tragedies (February 1503) ; XXIV. Ammonius of Alexandria, On Aristotle's "De interpretatione" (October 17, 1503) ; XXV. Xenophon, Hellenica; Pletho, Events in Greece after the Battle of Mantinea; Herodian, History from the death of Marcus Aurelius; Greek Scholia on Thucydides (November 14, 1503) ; XXVI. John Philoponus, Commentary on the posterior analytics; Anoriymous, Commentary on the posterior analytics (March 1504) ; XXVII. Aristotle and Theophrastus, Zoological and botanical writings; Pseudo-Aristotle and Alexander of Aphrodisias, Problemata, translated into Latin by Theodore Gaza (March 27, 1504) ; XXVIII. Philostratus, Life cf Apollonius of Tyana; Eusebius of Caesarea, Against Hierocles (May 1504) ; XXIX. Gregory of Nazianzus, Poetry (June 1504) ; XXX. Homer, Iliad (October 31, 1504) ; XXXI. Homer, Odyssey, Batrachomyomachia, Hymns (October 31, 1504) ; XXXII. Demosthenes, Sixty-two speeches; Libanius, Life of Demosthenes and summaries of the speeches; Plutarch, Life of Demosthenes (October 1504) ; XXXIII. Hours in praise of the most Blessed Virgin; Seven penitential psalms; Athanasian creed; Sacrifice in praise of the most Holy Virgin (July 1505) ; XXXIV. Aesop's Fables and related texts (October 1505) ; XXXV. The Greek rhetoricians, volume 1 (November 1508) ; XXXVI. Plutarch, Moralia (March 1509) ; XXXVII. The Greek rhetoricians, volume 2 (May 21, 1509) ; XXXVIII. Chrysoloras, Erotemata (1512) ; XXXIX. Constantine Lascaris, The eight parts of speech (New edition, October 1512) ; XL. Pindar, Odes; Callimachus, Hymns; Dionysius Periegetes, Description of the world; Lycophron, Alexandra (January 1513) ; XLI. The Greek orators, volume 1 (April 1513) ; XLII. The Greek orators, volume 2 (May 6, 1513) ; XLIII. Plato, Complete works (September 1513) ; XLIV. Alexander of Aphrodisias, Commentaries on the topics of Aristotle (February 15, 1514) ; XLV. Suidas, Lexicon (February 1514) ; XLVI. Hesychius, Lexicon (August 1514) ; XLVII. Athenaeus, The learned banqueters (August 1514)
Appendices. I. Marsilio Ficino on textual errors in his translations of Platonica (July 1, 1497) ; II. Musurus on Aristophanes (1498) ; III. Musurus on the Epistolographi graeci (1499) ; IV. William Grocyn's letter to Aldus (August 27, [1499]) ; V. Statutes of the New Academy (1502?) ; VI. Aldus' preface to Bessarion's In calumniatorem Platonis (July 1503) ; VII. Letter of Scipione Forteguerri to Aldus in the 1503 edition of the Greek anthology ; VIII. The title page of Aldus' Aesop (October 1505) ; IX. Aldus' preface to Erasmus' translation of Euripides (December 1507) ; X. Musurus' poem on Plato, in the Complete works (1513).

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