

Song of the Nereids / Carlo Malatesta
On the treaty struck between the Christian leaders / Belisario Gadaldini
Proteus / Cornelio Amalteo
When nurturing Venus beholds the tragic ruin / Marc Antonio Tritonio
To those who died in the Holy War / Nicolo Paladino
A city in mourning pays homage to Hector / Alessandro Allegri
Hymn to Saint Mark and Saint Justina / Davide Podavini
On Mustafa / Giovanni Canevari
I am the moon; the fear of war has surrounded me / Maffeo Galladei
The council of the damned and Ali in despair / Giovanni Battista Oliva
On the painter portraying the same victory / Anonymous
On the Actian victory over the depraved fleet of Turks / Agostino Fortunio.

To Sebastiano Venier, admiral of the Venetian fleet / Giovanni Battista Amalteo
One hundred verses : to the City / Anonymous
I will now sing of the happy deeds / Anonymous
Nautical eclogue, or The naval contest of the Christians and Turks / Giovanni Antonio Taglietti
To the most reverend Paolo Odescalchi, Bishop of Penne and Atri / Giovanni Antonio Odescalchi
The long-desired day at last dispelled the fading shadows / Ottaviano Manini
A shining song for the victor, John of Austria / Pompeo Arnolfini
The victory at Naupactus / Giovanni Baptista Arcucci
Song on the victory of the Christian fleet / Guglielmo Moizio
The song of John of Austria / Juan Latino
Appendix I: Glossary of names and places
Appendix II: Biographical information.

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