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Cover; Title Page; Front Matter; Table of Contents; Series Foreword; Prelude: Powering Cultural Understanding Through Music; Chapter 1: Musical Engagement as Human Need; Defining Music; Musicking as a Process; Understanding Musical Diversity; Music's Impact; Living Musical-Cultural Experience; Music in Education; Music as a Bridge; Chapter 2: The Changing Nature of School Music; Profiling Diversity; Early American-Style Music Learning; A Songful Start with a European Twist; Sealing the Legacy of European Music; Forbidden ""Folk"" Music; Far and Away Songs.

A Latin American Awareness Through MusicMusic for World Peace and Civic Responsibility; University Studies of World Music Cultures; All-Inclusive Music Education; Continuing Commitments to Music, Education, and Diversity; Principles in the Practice of Musical Diversity; Chapter 3: Educational Intersections of Ethnomusicological Ideals; Soft Boundaries and Border Crossings; Intersections at the University Level; Serving Inservice Teachers; Cross-over Scholarship; Publications ""Under the Influence"" and ""In Collaboration""; Shared Concepts Between the Fields; Future Intersections.

Chapter 4: Multicultural Education and Social Justice in School Music PracticeShared Tenets; Ensuring Equity Through Multicultural Education; Aims and Accomplishments of Multicultural Music Education; Social Justice and Education; Social Justice and Music Education; Connections Between Multiculturalism and Social Justice; Five Dimensions of Multicultural Education; Four Levels of Curriculum Reform; Applications: Multicultural Social Action and Social Justice in Music Education; The Way Forward; Chapter 5: Transmission, Teaching, and Learning; Studies in Transmission.

The Range of Music LearningOrality and Literacy in Music Education Practice; Cross-Cultural Cases of Music, Taught and Learned; Through Listening to Learning; Chapter 6: World Music Pedagogy as Learning Pathway; Music in a Multicultural Way; Defining World Music Pedagogy; Phases of World Music Pedagogy; WMP Exemplar Sequences; Many Music-Culture Splendors for Curricular Practice; Chapter 7: Connections with Communities and Culture Bearers; The Concept of Community; Musical Communities; Communities of Music-Educational Practice; Growing Up in Four Musical Communities; Culture Bearers.

Sound Bites and Video Views of Community ArtistsVisiting Artists in University-Community Collaboration; Capital CM, as in Community Music; Applied Ethnomusicology; Fieldtrip! Excursions to a Community; Community: Bottoms Up; Chapter 8: Principles of Diversity in School Music Practice; Teachers, Trajectories, and Blueprints; Points of Practical Wisdom; Tackling Tenacious Topics; Treasuring the Teacher; Cadenza: Diversifying Music Education; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; Pathways of Progress; References; Index; About the Author.

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