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Introduction / Pablo J. Boczkowski & Zizi Papacharissi
Journalism in question. Why journalism in the age of Trump shouldn't surprise us / Barbie Zelizer
Alternative facts: Donald Trump and the emergence of a new U.S. media regime / Michael X. Delli Carpini
Trump and the great disruption in public communication / Silvio Waisbord, Tina Tucker, and Zoey Lichtenheld
Empirical failures: data journalism, cultural identity, and the Trump campaign / Chris W. Anderson
My very own alternative facts about journalism / Michael Schudson
Who's playing who? media manipulation in an era of Trump / Robyn Caplan and Danah Boyd
Lessons from the paparazzi: rethinking photojournalistic coverage of Trump / Andrew l. Mendelson
Emotion, populism, and media events. The importance of being a headline / Zizi Papacharissi
Public displays of disaffection: the emotional politics of Donald Trump / Karin Wahl-Jorgensen
Facts (almost) never win over myths / Julia Sonnevend
The media are about identity, not information / Daniel Kreiss
Anticipating news: what Trump teaches us about how the networked press can and should imagine / Mike Ananny
Media projections and Trump's election: a self-defeating prophecy? / Keren Tenenboim-Weinblatt
Creeping toward authoritarianism? / Katy E. Pearce
Why technology matters. The potential of networked solidarity: communication at the end of the long twentieth century / Gina Neff
Breaking the rules of political communication: Trump's successes and miscalculations / Susan J. Douglas
Trump on Twitter: how a medium designed for democracy became an authoritarian's mouthpiece / Fred Turner
Tweeting all the way to the White House / Josh Cowls & Ralph Schroeder
Social media or social inequality: Trump's unexpected election / Keith N. Hampton
How interactivity can build transparency: what tech can teach us about rebuilding media trust / Nikki Usher
Pathways ahead. The center of the universe no more: from the self-centered stance of the past to the relational mindset of the future / Pablo J. Boczkowski & Seth C. Lewis
Trump, journalists, and social networks of trust / Sue Robinson
When commercialism trumps democracy: media pathologies and the rise of the misinformation society / Victor Pickard
Making journalism great again: Trump and the new rise of news activism / Adrienne Russell
The case for campaign journalism / Rodney Benson
We all stand together or we all fall apart: on the need for an adversarial press in the age of Trump / Dave Karpf.

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