

pt. I. The SS archipelago. 1. Captives in the Channel Islands. 2. Deported to the Stalags. 3. The Spaniards and the KZ universe. 4. Classification and stratification. 5. Opposing programmes: extenuation versus extermination. 6. Everyday life in the KZ. 7. Oranienburg, Buchenwald and Mauthausen compared. 8. The survival of the evidence
pt. II. Mauthausen, Category Three. 1. The arrival. 2. The outer circle: the SS staff. 3. The inner circle: the Kapos. 4. The first Spanish contingents. 5. International friction and the brothel. 6. The Spaniards as seen by others. 7. The paradox of entertainment. 8. The Revier, antechamber of death. 9. The quarry and the 186 steps. 10. Local Kommandos. 11. The Nebenlager . 11. Schloss Hartheim and the mobile gas chamber. 12. Escape and and the SS response. pt. III. Survival. 1. The nucleus of a resistance. 2. A Spaniard enters the Central Administration Office. 3. A Spaniard enters the photo lab. 4. Franco's consulate in Vienna. 5. A marriage at Auschwitz. 6. Holy Night. 7. A visit to Melk. 8. An international committee forms. 9. Atrocities against Allied prisoners. 10. The Resistance forms a military branch. 11. Reds and Blues replace the Greens and Blacks. 12. Incidents in the photo lab. 13. The Soviet break-out from the Death Block. 14. Mauthausen as the terminus of evacuation. 15. Growing fears of a general massacre. 16. The evacuation of the last Nebenlager. 17. The photo and the Poschacher boys. 18. The departure of the SS. pt. IV. Liberation. 1. The Soviet assault from the east. 2. The American assault from the west. 3. The liberation of Gusen and Mauthausen. 4. The night of 5-6 May. 5. The return of the Americans to Mauthausen. 6. Ebensee: the last liberation. 7. The American-Soviet link-up. 8. The final German surrender. 9. Punishment and impunity for the SS criminals. 10. Epilogue.

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