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Anselm / David Brown
The Inner Witness of the Spirit / Paul K. Moser
John Duns Scotus / Scott M. Williams
John Henry Newman / Cyril O'Regan
John Wesley / Douglas S. Koskela
Jonathan Edwards / William J. Wainwright
Knowledge of God / John Greco
Maximus the Confessor / Frederick D. Aquino
Paul the Apostle / Paul K. Moser
Authority in Religious Communities / Linda Zagzebski
Pentecostalism / James K. A. Smith
Realism and Anti-realism / Christopher J. Insole
Revelation and Scripture / Sandra Menssen, Thomas Sullivan OSB
Richard Hooker / A.S. McGrade
Saints and Saintliness / John Cottingham
Søren Kierkegaard / M.G. Piety
Spiritual Formation, Authority, and Discernment / Frederick D. Aquino
Symeon the New Theologian / William J. Abraham
The Epistemology of Testimony and Religious Belief / Jennifer Lackey
Introduction: The Epistemology of Theology / William J. Abraham, Frederick D. Aquino
Continental Philosophy / J. Aaron Simmons
Thomas Aquinas / James Brent O.P.
Understanding / Jonathan L. Kvanvig
Virtue / Jason Baehr
Wisdom in Theology / Stephen R. Grimm
Reason and Faith / Lara Buchak
Ecclesial Practices / Colin M. McGuigan, Brad Kallenberg
Tradition / Mark Wynn
Scepticism / William Dunaway, John Hawthorne
Origen of Alexandria / Robert M. Berchman
Augustine / Scott MacDonald
Disagreement and the Epistemology of Theology / Nathan L. King, Thomas Kelly
Teresa of Avila / Steven Payne
Friedrich Schleiermacher / Kevin W. Hector
Karl Barth / Paul T. Nimmo
Liberation Theology / Devin Singh
The Epistemology of Feminist Theology / Harriet A. Harris
Modern Orthodox Thinkers / Paul L. Gavrilyuk
Evidence and Theology / Trent Dougherty
The Experiential Grounding of Religious Belief / Thomas D. Senor
Foundationalism / Michael Bergmann
Hans Urs von Balthasar / Victoria S. Harrison.

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