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Thomas Joshua Cooper (b. 1946), Cherokee photographer
Bonnie Devine (b. 1952), Anishinaabe (Ojibwa) sculptor, installation artist, filmmaker, and mixed-media artist
Jimmie Durham (b. 1940), Cherokee sculptor, performance and mixed-media artist
Sheojuk Etidlooie (1932-1999), Inuit printmaker
Joe Feddersen (b. 1953), Colville/Okanogan printmaker, painter, glass-artist, and fiber-artist
Nicholas Galanin (b. 1979), Tlingit/Aleut/Cherokee multidisciplinary artist
Jeffrey Gibson (b. 1972), Choctaw/Cherokee painter and installation artist
William J. Grant (b. 1948), Anishinaabe (Chippewa) painter/printmaker/mixed-media artist
Darren Vigil Gray (b. 1959), Jicarilla Apache/Kiowa-Apache painter
David Hannan (b. 1971), Métis multidisciplinary artist and filmmaker
Sheldon Harvey (b. 1978), Navajo painter and sculptor
James Havard (b. 1937), Choctaw/Ojibwa (Chippewa) painter
Faye HeavyShield (b. 1953), Blood (of the Blackfoot Confederacy) sculptor and installation artist
Grace Henderson and family. Grace Henderson Nez (1913-2006), Mary Lee Begay, (b. 1941), and Gloria Begay (b. 1970), Navajo weavers
Maria Hupfield (b. 1975), Anishinaabe (Ojibwa) sculptor, installation- and performance-artist
Terrol Dew Johnson (b. 1975), Tohono O'odham basketweaver
Brian Jungen (b. 1970), Dane-zaa (Beaver-Athabaskan) sculptor, painter, and installation artist
Brad Kahlhamer (b. 1956), Native American painter and sculptor
Sonya Kelliher-Combs (b. 1969), Inupiaq/Athabascan sculptor, painter, and installation/mixed-media artist
Hastiin Klah (1867-1937), Navajo (Diné) weaver
Zacharias Kunuk (b. 1957), Inuit filmmaker and videographer
James Lavadour (b. 1951), Walla Walla painter and printmaker
Carm LittleTurtle (b. 1952), Apache/Tarahumara photo-based artist
Truman Lowe (b. 1944), Ho-Chunk (Winnebago) sculptor and installation artist
Jason Lujan (b. 1971), Chiricahua Apache filmmaker, photographer, and mixed-media artist
James Luna (b. 1950), Luiseño performance and installation artist
Mario Martinez (b. 1953), Yaqui painter
Victor Masayesva, Jr. (b. 1951), Hopi filmmaker and photographer
Alan Michelson (b. 1953), Mohawk sculptor and video- and installation-artist
George Morrison (1919-2000), Anishinaabe (Ojibwa/Chippewa) painter and sculptor
Nadia Myre (b. 1974), Algonquin installation and mixed-media artist
Marianne Nicolson (b. 1969), Kwakwaka'wakw (Kwakiutl) photographer, painter, print-maker, and installation artist
Jessie Oonark (1906-1985), Inuit printmaker and fiber artist
John Pangnark (1920-1980), Inuit sculptor
Julia Parker (b. 1929), Kashaya Pomo/Coast Miwok basketweaver
Edward Poitras (b. 1953), Métis sculptor, conceptual artist, and installation artist
Jane Ash Poitras (b. 1951), Cree/Chipewyan painter and mixed-media artist
Jereldine Redcorn (b. 1939), Caddo/Potawatomi ceramics artist
Bill Reid (1920-1998), Haida sculptor and goldsmith
Jolene Rickard (b. 1956), Tuscarora (Iroquois Confederacy) photographer and assemblage- and installation-artist
Diego Romero (b. 1964), Cochiti ceramicist and graphic artist
Pitaloosie Saila (b. 1942), Inuit printmaker
Ramona Sakiestewa (b. 1948), Hopi textile artist and designer
Jim Schoppert (1947-1992), Tlingit sculptor, painter, mixed-media artist
Theresa Secord (b. 1958), Penobscot basketmaker
Tanis Maria S'eiltin (b. 1951), Tlingit painter, sculptor, printmaker, and installation artist
Pamela Shields (b. 1956), Blood (Blackfoot Confederacy) photographer, printmaker, and digital media artist
Duane Slick (b. 1961), Mesquakie (Sauk and Fox)/Winnebago (Ho-Chunk) painter, and print-maker
Jaune Quick-to-See Smith (b. 1940), Salish (Flathead) painter
Leon Polk Smith (1906-1996), Cherokee painter
C. Maxx Stevens (b. 1951), Seminole installation artist, printmaker, and sculptor
Jennie Thlunaut (1892-1986), Tlingit weaver
Gail Tremblay (b. 1945), Onondaga-Micmac basketmaker, multimedia installation artist, and writer
Hulleah Tsinhnahjinnie (b. 1954), Navajo/Seminole/Muskogee photographer, videographer, and multimedia artist
Marion Tuu'luq (ca. 1910-2002), Inuit printmaker and fiber artist
Kay WalkingStick (b. 1935), Cherokee painter
Star Wallowing Bull (b. 1973), Chippewa/Arapaho painter, printmaker, draftsman, and mixed-media artist
Marie Watt (b. 1967), Seneca sculptor, mixed-media artist, and installation artist
Emmi Whitehorse (b. 1957), Navajo painter and printmaker
Richard Ray Whitman (b. 1949), Yuchi photographer, painter, multimedia artist, and videographer
Charlie Willeto (1897-1964), Navajo sculptor
Steven Yazzie (b. 1970), Navajo/Laguna/Anglo painter, installation- and performance artist.

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