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Preface; Organization; Organizing Committee; Organizing Chair; Members; The Conference Took Place Under the Honorary Patronage; Scientific Committee; Referees; Contents; Recent Advances in Traffic Engineering and Travel Models; Vehicle Speed Impact on the Design of Efficient Urban Single-Lane Roundabouts; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Methodology; 2.1 Design Speed and Vehicle Path Radii; 2.2 Study Area and Data; 3 Results; 3.1 Results for 2016 Measurement; 3.2 Results Comparison; 4 Discussion and Conclusion; Acknowledgement; References.

The Comparison of Models for Follow-up Headway at RoundaboutsAbstract; 1 Introduction; 2 The Comparison of Models for Follow-up Headway at Roundabouts; 3 Summary; References; Analysis of Selected Types of Transport Behaviour of Urban and Rural Population in the Light of Surveys; Abstract; 1 Role of Population Surveys; 2 Provincial Transport Plans as the Source of Data on Transport Behavior; 3 Testing Grounds; 4 Examples of Resident Transport Characteristics; 5 Summary and Conclusions; References.

Selected Aspects of the Methodology of Traffic Flows Surveys and Measurements on an Urban Agglomeration Scale with Regard to ITS ProjectsAbstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Scope of TFSMs Necessary to Construct the Urban Agglomeration Transportation Model; 3 Guidelines for Determining the Points of TFSMs; 3.1 Measurement Points on the Screens and Cordons of the Study Area; 3.2 Measurement Points in the Transportation Network Within the Study Area; 4 Formal Description of the Issue; 5 Conclusions; References.

The Warehouse Location Problem in the Context of Vehicle Routing Problem in the Production CompaniesAbstract; 1 Introduction; 2 The Mathematical Model of the Problem; 2.1 Assumptions; 2.2 The Input Data; 2.3 Decision Variables; 2.4 Constraints; 2.5 The Criterion Function; 3 The Ant Algorithm in the Warehouse Location
Routing Problem; 4 Implementation of Ant Algorithm; 5 Conclusion; Acknowledgements; References; Safety Analysis in Advanced Transport Networks and Transport Systems.

Road Infrastructure Condition Assessment as Element of Road Traffic Safety
Concept of the RCT Solution in the S-mileSys PlatformAbstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Solutions for Road Infrastructure Condition Assessment; 3 Describing Quality of Transport Roads in the S-mileSys System; 4 Requirements Towards Road Condition Tool; 5 Conclusions; Acknowledgements; References; Safe Routes as One of the Ways to Reduce the Number of Road Accidents Victims; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Safety Issues of the Most Vulnerable Road Users.

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