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Testimonials; Foreword; Preface; Contents; Abbreviations; Chapter 1: Introduction: How the Failed Political Messaging of Moderate Political Actors Strengthens Populist Radical Right Pa...; Chapter 2: The Riddle: Why Are Some Populist Radical Right Parties More Successful than Others?; 2.1 The Curious Rise of a New Star in Western Politics; 2.2 Defining Populist Radical Right Parties; 2.3 The Winning Formula: For the Nation, Against the Elite; 2.4 Why Bother?; 2.5 Why Are Populists Not Winning Everywhere?; 2.6 Methodological Challenges: The Call for Comparative Case Studies; References

Chapter 3: State of Research: Linking Social Theory with Comparative Politics3.1 From Social Theory to Party Politics; 3.2 Theories of Social Conflict: Structures and Discourses Matter; 3.3 Comparative Social Sciences: Itś Not About Facts but Debates; 3.4 How Societies Negotiate Belonging: Context and Perceptions Are Key; 3.5 Relational Approaches: The Migrant as the Perfect Threat; 3.6 The Analytical Moment: What Entices Established Political Parties?; 3.7 Conclusion: The Understudied Link Between Discourse and Structure; References

Chapter 4: Research Design: Ensuring High Validity and High Reliability Under the Auspices of Comparative Case Studies4.1 Operationalizing the Hypothesis: Lessons from Charles Tilly; 4.2 Case Selection: Sharpening the Scope; 4.3 Validity of the Data: A Political Claims Analysis Based on Media Reports; 4.4 Reliability of the Data: Inter-Coder-Reliability-Tests; 4.5 The Model of Analysis: Aiming for High Validity and Reliability; 4.6 Data Sources and Recoding; References; Chapter 5: Empirical Results: Why Populists Win or Lose-A Two-Level Theory

5.1 Salience: When Are Parties Talking About Immigration?5.2 Positioning: When Do Established Parties Open the Niche for PRRPs?; 5.3 QCA Results: Ultimately, It Is Not About Immigration at All; 5.4 Supporting the Plausibility of the Argument with Probabilistic Measures; 5.5 A Two-Level Theory of PRRPs ́Varying Electoral Support; References; Chapter 6: The Netherlands: The PvdAś Pyrrhic Victories or, Waiting for Pim Fortuyn; 6.1 Frits Bolkesteinś Agenda in the Early 1990s: Saving the Netherlands and, First and Foremost, His Volkspartij voor Vrijhei...

6.2 Waiting for Pim Fortuyn: The Liberal Turn in Dutch Politics in 19956.3 The Pyrrhic Victory of the Liberal Dutch Social Democrats; 6.4 Tolerance Is Expensive: The Liberal Course of the PvdA After 1994; 6.5 Summary: The Delayed Backlash to a Salient Multicultural Discourse; References; Chapter 7: Sweden: How the Liberals (FP) Gave Birth to the Swedish Democrats (SD); 7.1 The Existential Crisis of the FP in the Late 1990s and the Election of 2002; 7.2 The Break with Swedish Tolerance: The 2002 Election and Its Consequences; 7.3 Nothing Is More Convincing than Chances to Gain Votes

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