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Securitization theory : a theoretical framework
A historical overview on the state of emergency and martial law in Indonesia
The Indonesian political changes, (in)security, and securitization
Securitization and desecuritization dynamics in the Aceh separatist movement
Securitization and desecuritization dynamics in the Maluku communal conflict
Securitization-desecuritization dynamics in Indonesia’s democratization.

Acknowledgments; Contents; List of Abbreviations ; List of Figures ; List of Tables ; Chapter 1: Introduction; Bibliography; Chapter 2: Securitization Theory: A Theoretical Framework; 1 The Copenhagen School's Securitization Theory; 2 Securitization: A Framework of Analysis; 3 Desecuritization: A Framework of Analysis; 4 Research Method; Bibliography; Chapter 3: A Historical Overview on the State of Emergency and Martial Law in Indonesia; 1 Martial Law in the Colonial Era: Pre-1945; 2 Martial Law in the Newly Independent State: 1945-1965; 3 Martial Law in the New Order Era: 1965-1998

2.4 Audience2.5 Facilitating Conditions; 2.6 Evaluation of the Securitization of Aceh Conflict; 3 Desecuritizing Violent Conflict in Aceh; 3.1 Desecuritization Acts and Actors; 3.2 Audience; 3.3 Facilitating Conditions; 4 Analysis of the Desecuritization of Aceh Conflict; 4.1 The Grounds for Desecuritization; 4.2 The Mechanism of Desecuritization; 4.3 The Phases of Desecuritization; 4.4 The Outcomes of Desecuritization; Bibliography; Chapter 6: Securitization and Desecuritization Dynamics in the Maluku Communal Conflict; 1 Background on Maluku and the History of Communal Conflict

2 The Maluku Security Problem in the Securitization Context2.1 Existential Threat, Referent Object, and Emergency Situation; 2.2 Extraordinary Measures; 2.3 Securitizing Actors and Speech Acts; 2.4 Audience; 2.5 Facilitating Conditions; 2.6 Evaluation of the Securitization of Maluku Conflict; 3 Desecuritizing Violent Conflict in Maluku; 3.1 Desecuritization Acts and Actors; 3.2 Audience; 3.3 Facilitating Conditions; 4 Analysis of the Desecuritization of the Maluku Conflict; 4.1 Grounds for Desecuritization; 4.2 The Mechanism of Desecuritization; 4.3 The Phases of Desecuritization

4.4 The Outcomes of DesecuritizationBibliography; Chapter 7: Conclusion: Securitization-Desecuritization Dynamics in Indonesia's Democratization; 1 Introduction; 2 Major Threats to Indonesia's Security During Democratization; 3 Securitization Dynamics; 4 Desecuritization Dynamics; 5 Closing Remarks; Bibliography; Bibliography; Index

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