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Acknowledgements; Contents; Abbreviations and Acronyms; List of Figures; Introduction: Starting the Journey; References; 1 Understanding South Sudanese Refugees; 1.1 The Edge of the River; 1.2 Kakuma Refugee Camp; 1.3 Conclusion; Appendix 1.1; References; 2 The Trauma-Sensitivity Gap; 2.1 No Peace for Grace; 2.2 A Shift to Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Peacebuilding; 2.3 Conclusion; Appendix 2.1; References; 3 The Lace of Peace's Coat: Understanding Trauma, Peace and Peacebuilding; 3.1 Experiencing Trauma; 3.1.1 Collective Trauma; 3.2 Defining Peace.

3.3 Understanding Peacebuilding3.3.1 Peacebuilding Imagined; 3.4 Conclusion; Appendix 3.1; References; 4 Traumatic Experiences of South Sudanese Refugees; 4.1 Traumatic Experiences in South Sudan; 4.1.1 Torture and Death of Loved Ones: 'They Cut Him to Pieces'; 4.1.2 Security: 'No Rest'; 4.1.3 Separation: 'I Have No One Else'; 4.2 Long Journey Fleeing Attack; 4.2.1 The Trek to Safety: 'Those Who Walked Far'; 4.3 Traumatic Experiences in the Camp; 4.3.1 Pain in the Camp: 'Bad Blood'; 4.3.2 Scarcity: 'Drying Up'; 4.3.3 Memories and Avoidance: 'Dark Stone in My Stomach'

4.3.4 Resignation: 'Nothing'4.3.5 Gendered Contours: 'He Took Me by Force'; 4.4 Conclusion; Appendix 4.1; References; 5 Strong at the Broken Places: Coping with Traumatic Experiences; 5.1 Basic Necessities: 'The Ration Card'; 5.2 Resilience; 5.2.1 Positive Attitude: 'What Has Happened Has Passed'; 5.2.2 Community Support: 'They Stay with Me Well'; 5.2.3 A Vision and Long-Term Mission: 'I Have a Passion'; 5.2.4 Selflessness: 'My Heart Is for Everyone'; 5.2.5 Faith in God: 'Only Just Tell God'; 5.2.6 Taking Personal Initiative and Agency: 'Even Little by Little It Helps'

5.2.7 Inner Strength: 'We Tried to Manage'5.3 Community Resilience; 5.4 Conclusion; Appendix 5.1; References; 6 Peacebuilding in South Sudan and Beyond: From Assumption to Reality; 6.1 Assuming Peace: 'You Just Assume'; 6.2 Building Relationships: 'Peace Is You'; 6.3 An Inclusive Peace: 'Peace Is Everything'; 6.4 Creating Possibilities: 'I Developed Courage'; 6.4.1 Hope and Courage; 6.4.2 Education and Integration; 6.4.3 Creativity; 6.5 Conclusion; Appendix 6.1; References; 7 Conclusion: The Journey Continues; 7.1 The Other Side of the River; 7.2 The Encounter; 7.3 The Discovery.

7.4 Future JourneysAppendix 7.1; References; The International Peace Research Association (IPRA); The Department of Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Sydney, Australia; About the Author; Index.

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