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Preface; Acknowledgements; Contents; Acronyms and Abbreviations Used; List of Figures; List of Tables ; Chapter 1: Introduction; Findings Supporting the Tripartite Theory Model; The Arguments Ahead; Notes; Chapter 2: Theories, Conceptual Model, Initial Case Analysis and Excluded Considerations; Realism; Realism's Relevance and the Applicability of Interdependence, Norms and Leadership; Liberalism; Economic Liberalism's Relevance and the Applicability of Interdependence, Norms and Leadership; Constructivism

Moral and Social Constructivism's Relevance and the Applicability of Interdependence, Norms and LeadershipWhy the Need for Tripartite Theoretical Analysis?; Explanatory Framework and Conceptual Model; Cases of Inevitable Denuclearisation; Voluntary and Intensely Negotiated Disarmament; Preliminary Substantiation of Proposed Hypothesis; 2002-2006; 2007-2008; 2009-Present Day; Ruled-Out Cases and the Inapplicability of the Null Hypothesis; Notes; Chapter 3: South Africa as a Classic Nuclear Armament and Disarmament Exemplar; Realist Justifications for South African Atomic Arms

Interdependence, Norms and Leadership in South African Nuclear Arms AcquisitionCounter-economic Liberalist Drivers of Pretoria's Bombs; Economic Interdependence, Counter-liberal Norms and Leadership Influencing Pretoria's Nuclear Arms Decisions; Moral/Social Constructivism and the Decision to Go Nuclear; Interdependence, Structure-Agency Formation and Leadership Concerning Pretoria's Nuclear Mindset; Interrelated Realism, Liberalism and Constructivism in South African Atomic Militarisation; Building Up Pretoria's Arsenal; Realism and South African Nuclear Weapons Relinquishment

Interdependence, Proliferation Norm Erosion and Counterproliferation Leadership in the New Realist ParadigmThe Economic Liberalist Rationale for Disarmament; The Roles of Economically Interdependent Relationships, Liberal Economic Norms and Leadership in Denuclearisation; Moral and Social Constructivism and the End of Pretoria's Bombs; The Impact of External Influences, Structure and Agency, and Leadership on South African Nuclear Disarmament Norms; A Tripartite Causational View of South African Nuclear Disarmament; Notes; Chapter 4: Fiercely Negotiated Ukrainian Nuclear Disarmament

Realist Arguments for Ukrainian Nuclear Weapons RetentionNon-existent Interdependent Security Relationships, Pro-nuclear Arms Norms and Realist Leadership Supporting Ukrainian Nuclear Arms Retention; Counter-economic Liberalism and Arguments for Ukrainian Nuclear Retention; Economic Autarky, Counter-liberalist Norms and Related Leadership Supporting Ukrainian Nuclear Retention; Moral and Social Constructivism and the Ukrainian Pro-retention Movement; The Role of Interdependence, Structure, Agency and Leadership Buttressing Pro-nuclear Norms in Kiev

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