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Preface; Contents; About the Editors and Contributors; Challenges of Language Teaching and Learning; 1 Mission in English Language Teaching: Why and Why Not?; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Three Cases; 3 Playing the Roles of ELT "Missionaries"; 3.1 Sue: An Enthusiastic "Missionary"; 3.2 Geoff: An Arrogant "Missionary"; 4 Coping with ELT "Missionaries"; 4.1 Oleg: Co-operation with Resistance; 4.2 Liza: Co-operation with Dignity; 5 Liberating Ourselves from the "Missionary" Approach in ELT; 6 Conclusion; References; 2 How to Deal with Applications in Foreign Language Learning and Teaching (FLLT)

Abstract1 Introduction; 2 The Nature of the Problem; 3 Linguistics as an Authority in Language Teaching; 3.1 Cracks in the Relationship; 3.2 Signs of Change; 4 Applied Linguistics as a Mediator; 5 SLA and Language Pedagogy; 6 Emancipation of Foreign Language Teaching; 6.1 Focus on the Specific Phenomenon in Question; 7 Applications in Their Technical Meaning; 8 Conclusions; References; 3 Evaluating Language Courses at Foreign Language University Centers; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 European Union Foreign Language Policy Recommendations; 3 Educational Programmes and Mobility Projects

4 Foreign Language Instruction in Foreign Language University Centers5 Problems and Challenges of Tertiary Level FL Instruction in Poland Using the Example of the University of Silesia: A Study; 5.1 Participants, Instruments and Procedure; 5.2 Results and Discussion; 5.2.1 Problem Areas Diagnosed by the Coordinator: Discussion (Stage 1); 5.2.2 Assessment of FL Instruction from the Teachers' and Students' Perspectives: Data Presentation and Discussion (Stage 2); 6 Conclusions and Implications: Implementing Changes in FL Instruction at the University of Silesia

Appendix 1: Student satisfaction questionnaire results: quantitative data (no 498) (translated from Polish) (all the data is given in percentages)Appendix 2: Teacher satisfaction questionnaire: quantitative data (no 48) (translated from Polish) (all the data is given in percentages); References; 4 Emotion as the Amplifier and the Primary Motive: Some Theories of Emotion with Relevance to Language Learning; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Emotion Theory in Positive Psychology; 2.1 Positive Emotions and a Mix of Emotions; 2.2 The Roles of Negative Emotions; 2.3 Flow; 2.4 Resilience

2.5 Emotional Intelligence3 Emotion Theory in Social Psychology; 4 Emotion Theory in Social Constructivism; 4.1 Averill's Concept of Transitory Social Roles; 4.2 Linguistic Approaches to Social Constructivism; 5 Emotion Theory in Social Constructionism; 5.1 Strong and Weak Forms; 5.2 Role of Social Practices in Constructing Emotions; 6 Emotion Theory in Existential Psychotherapy; 7 Implications for Language Learners; References; 5 Speech and Its Silent Partner: Gesture in Communication and Language Learning; Abstract; 1 Introduction

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