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Table of Contents
Part I Brain
1. Structural anatomy of the brain
2. White matter anatomy of the brain
3. Vascular anatomy
4. Brain anatomy at 7T (images axial/coronal)
Part II Brain stem
5. Structural anatomy of the brain stem
6. White matter anatomy of the brain stem
7. Vascular anatomy (3T)
8. Brain anatomy at 7T (images axial/coronal)
9. Functional anatomy of major lobes
Part III Cerebellum
10. Structural anatomy of the cerebellum
11. White matter anatomy of the cerebellum
12. Functional anatomy of the cerebellum
Part IV Cranial nerves
Olfactory nerve
Optic nerve
Oculomotor nerve
Trochlear nerve
Trigeminal nerve.
Abducens nerve
Facial nerve
Vestibulo-coclear nerve
Vagus nerve
Spinal accessory nerve
Hypoglossus nerve. Part V Surgical and endoscopic illustrative anatomy
Cavernous sinus
Cerebellar pontine angle
Superior orbital fissure
Sub-occipital approach
Circle of Willis: Anatomy and surgical ap proach.
Orbital Surgery.
Pineal Gland Surgery.
Sellar and parasellar surgery.
Neurovascular conflict (Trigeminal nerve).
Part VI Sample cases (Imaging and interpretative pearls).
1. Structural anatomy of the brain
2. White matter anatomy of the brain
3. Vascular anatomy
4. Brain anatomy at 7T (images axial/coronal)
Part II Brain stem
5. Structural anatomy of the brain stem
6. White matter anatomy of the brain stem
7. Vascular anatomy (3T)
8. Brain anatomy at 7T (images axial/coronal)
9. Functional anatomy of major lobes
Part III Cerebellum
10. Structural anatomy of the cerebellum
11. White matter anatomy of the cerebellum
12. Functional anatomy of the cerebellum
Part IV Cranial nerves
Olfactory nerve
Optic nerve
Oculomotor nerve
Trochlear nerve
Trigeminal nerve.
Abducens nerve
Facial nerve
Vestibulo-coclear nerve
Vagus nerve
Spinal accessory nerve
Hypoglossus nerve. Part V Surgical and endoscopic illustrative anatomy
Cavernous sinus
Cerebellar pontine angle
Superior orbital fissure
Sub-occipital approach
Circle of Willis: Anatomy and surgical ap proach.
Orbital Surgery.
Pineal Gland Surgery.
Sellar and parasellar surgery.
Neurovascular conflict (Trigeminal nerve).
Part VI Sample cases (Imaging and interpretative pearls).