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Foreword; Preface; Abbreviations; Contents; Part I: Introduction to Intervention Effectiveness Research, Quality Improvement, and Program Evaluation; 1: Key Concepts, Definitions, and Frameworks; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Definitions and Descriptions of Intervention Effectiveness Research, Quality Improvement, and Program Evaluation: What They Have in Common and How They Differ; 1.2.1 What Is Quality Improvement?; 1.2.2 What Is Program Evaluation?; 1.3 How Intervention Effectiveness Research, Quality Improvement Activities, and Program Evaluation Are Similar.

1.4 How Intervention Effectiveness Research, Quality Improvement, and Outcome Evaluation Are Different1.4.1 Translational Research; 1.4.2 Quality Improvement (QI); 1.4.3 Six Sigma Quality Improvement; 1.4.4 Health Services Research; 1.4.5 Big Data in Health Care Research; 1.4.6 Program Evaluation; 1.4.7 Implementation Research; 1.5 Definitions of Similar Sounding Terms and What This Book Does Not Attempt; 1.5.1 Comparative Effectiveness Research; 1.5.2 Implementation Science Research; 1.5.3 Dissemination Science.

1.6 Frameworks to Support Intervention Effectiveness Research, Quality Improvement Activities, and Program Evaluation1.6.1 Theory; 1.6.2 Logic Models; 1.6.3 Theoretical Framework; 1.6.4 Conceptual Framework; References; 2: Problem-Intervention-Outcome Meta-ƯModel (PIO MM): A Conceptual Meta Model for Intervention Effectiveness Research, Quality Improvement Activities, and Program Evaluation; 2.1 Introduction to the Problem-Intervention-Outcome Meta-Model (PIO MM); 2.2 PIO MM and the CDC Logic Model; 2.3 PIO MM and the IHI Quality Improvement Model; 2.4 Using the PIO MM.

2.5 Operationalizing the PIO MM2.6 PIO MM Relationship to Change Theory; 2.7 PIO MM Relationship to PICOT; References; 3: Problem-Intervention-Outcome Meta-Model Project Design; 3.1 Design for Intervention Effectiveness Research, Quality Improvement Activities, and Program Evaluation; 3.1.1 Observational Design; 3.1.2 Retrospective Design; 3.1.3 Prospective Design; 3.2 Intervention and Measurement Timing; 3.3 PIO MM and Research Design; 3.4 Benefits and Challenges of the Single Group Before and After Design; 3.4.1 Threats to Internal Validity.

3.4.2 Enhancing Before and After Design Using Comparisons3.4.3 Considerations for Prospective Data Collection; 3.5 Comparisons Using PIO MM Variables; 3.5.1 Problem; 3.5.2 Intervention; 3.5.3 Interventionist; 3.5.4 Outcome; 3.5.5 Population (Individual Characteristics); 3.5.6 Setting; 3.5.7 Time; 3.6 Mixed Methods: Qualitative Evaluation; References; 4: Tools for Intervention Effectiveness Research, Quality Improvement Activities, and Program Evaluation; 4.1 Data Sources; 4.2 Checklists for Obtaining New or Existing Data for Operationalizing the PIO MM.

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