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Dedication; Foreword; Preface; Acknowledgments; Contents; About the Author; Chapter 1: Introduction; Context; e-Learning in the Workplace; Challenges for e-Learning in the Workplace; Main Contribution of the Monograph; Meta-analytic Review of Workplace e-Learning Research and Development; Understanding Workplace Learning from Individual, Social, and Organizational Perspectives; Understanding and Managing Workplace e-Learning as a Complex Dynamic System; Designing a Performance-Oriented Framework for Workplace e-Learning

Implementing Performance-Oriented Workplace e-Learning Using the KPI-Based Approach and Technology Analyzing the Factors Influencing Employees' Acceptance of Performance-Oriented e-Learning; Overview of the Monograph; References; Part I: Overview of Workplace Learning and e-Learning; Chapter 2: Workplace Learning and Theoretical Fundamentals; Workplace Learning; Workplace Learning Versus School Learning; Learning from Individual, Social, and Organizational Perspectives; Individual Perspective; Social Perspective; Organizational Perspective

Theoretical Fundamentals of Workplace Learning Adult Learning; Self-Directed Learning; Experiential Learning; Situated Learning/Contextualized Learning; Community of Practice (CoP); Expertise Development; Organizational Learning; Knowledge Management; References; Chapter 3: Emerging Technologies for Workplace Learning; Background; Emerging Technologies for Workplace Learning; Learning Content Management Systems; Social Media and Social Interaction; Mobile and Ubiquitous Learning Facilities; Computer Simulations and Immersive Virtual Reality

Educational Data Mining and Learning Analytics Computer-Based Learning Assistance; Cognitive Processing and High-Order Thinking Facilities; Challenges; References; Chapter 4: Overview of Workplace e-Learning Research and Development; Background; Previous Reviews of the Literature; Bibliometric Analysis of the Literature; Sample Dataset; Analysis Methods; Co-word Analysis of Keywords; Text Analysis of Titles and Abstracts; Procedure; Procedure for Co-word Analysis of Keywords; Procedure for Text Analysis of Titles and Abstracts; Research Themes

E-Learning for Continuing Education Computer-Assisted Training for Professional Development; Computer-Assisted Occupational Health and Safety Education; Computer-Assisted Healthcare and Nursing Education; Social Media for Informal Learning; Knowledge Management in Workplace e-Learning; Four Directions; e-Learning for Continuing Education and Professional Development; e-Learning in the Healthcare Sector; Social Media; Integration of Knowledge Management with e-Learning; A Holistic View of the State of the Art; References; Chapter 5: Workplace e-Learning at a Crossroads; Background

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