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Foreword; Contents; 1: Introduction: Becoming Property; Political Community as Constitutive Collective Political Action; Propertyscapes; Whose Political Community?; 2: The Private: Whose Equilibrium?; The Diagnosis: Piracy and Theft; Information Privatization; The Agreement; The Maximalist Agenda; The Propertyscape of Information Privatization as an Ideal Type; The Great Firewall of Information; Three Perspectives of the Great Firewall; The Doublespeak of Neo-Liberal Equilibrium; Two Unsatisfying Alternatives; Whose Equilibrium?; 3: The Exceptional: Whose Creativity?

The Diagnosis: Centralization and Control Information Exceptionalism; Becoming Creative; Peers, Reputational Economies, and Free Labor; The Exceptional Commons; The Propertyscape of Information Exceptionalism as an Ideal Type; The Photographic Act; Photography's New Media Moments; The Value of Participation; Information Wants to Be Free of Labor?; Whose Creativity?; 4: The Transformative: Whose Network?; The Diagnosis: Informationalization, the Virtual, and Capitalist Development; Transformative Distribution; The Multitude, the Social Individual, the General Intellect

The Algorithmic Metaphor The Hack, the Gift, the Transformational Commons; The Propertyscape of Transformative Distribution as an Ideal Type; Distributed Social Movements; Technologies of Dissent; #OccupyWallStreet; Speech Without Regulation; Whose Network?; 5: The Ecological: Whose Nature?; The Diagnosis: Ecological and Epistemological Colonization; Ecological Decolonization; Nature's Rights, Subaltern Cosmopolitanism, Bio-Sovereignty; Localisms, Productivity, Environmentality; Legal Pluralism, Globalization from Below, the Bio-Commons

The Propertyscape of Ecological Decolonization as an Ideal Type Properties of Place; A Signal of What?; Nature's History; Whose Nature?; 6: Conclusion: Whose Property?; Strategic Dilemmas; The Who, What, and How of Political Community; Whose Property?; Bibliography; Index

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